So I finally made it through a Christmas without crying because I missed my mom. I had my moments where I had to really try HARD not to think about it when the thoughts would start creeping in... but "take every thought captive"... then wouldn't you know it, today I'm trying to get either Shine on the radio at home, or WBGL, and as I'm looking I hear the start of Allan Jackson's "Where were you when the world stopped turning"... yep, I lost it. It took me back to watching the 2nd plane hit the world trade center with my mom, and watching ALL DAY in shock with her... and I can remember watching the country music awards when Allan Jackson debuted that song.. once again with my momma.
It's just crazy how you hold it together, hold it in, think you're making some serious progress... and then a song comes on.... and in an instant you are taken back to what seems like yesterday, a memory of not even something GREAT, but just a memory of her being with me. I have to say I've gotten better.. but then I still have to say, you NEVER get "better".
Monday, December 28, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
A baby's conversation with God

A baby asked God, 'They tell me you are sending me to earth tomorrow, but how am I going to live there being so small and helpless?' God said, 'Your angel will be waiting for you and will take care of you.'
The child further inquired, 'But tell me, here in heaven I don't have to do anything but sing and smile to be happy.' God said, 'Your angel will sing for you and will also smile for you. And you will feel your angel's love and be very happy.'
Again the child asked, 'And how am I going to be able to understand when people talk to me if I don't know the language?' God said, 'Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words you will ever hear, and with much patience and care, your angel will teach you how to speak.'
'And what am I going to do when I want to talk to you?' and God replied, 'Your angel will place your hands together and will teach you how to pray.'
'Who will protect me?'
God said, 'Your angel will defend you even if it means risking its life.'
'But I will always be sad because I will not see you anymore.' God said, 'Your angel will always talk to you about Me and will teach you the way to come back to Me, even though I will always be next to you.'
At that moment there was much peace in Heaven, but voices from Earth could be heard and the child hurriedly asked, 'God, if I am to leave now, please tell me my angel's name.'
And God said, 'You will simply call her, 'Mom.'
I love you princess
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Christmas time...
A friend of mine posted this on facebook... thought it was very touching:
He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree.
As Christmas gets closer, I pray we all remember the TRUE meaning of this celebration, this holiday, this day unlike any other.
He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree.
As Christmas gets closer, I pray we all remember the TRUE meaning of this celebration, this holiday, this day unlike any other.
Thought provoking
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
There used to be a time in my life where fear ruled me: any type of fear... fear of something happening to Sheldon; fear of something happening to my kids; fear of someone hurting someone in my family.. JUST PLAIN F-E-A-R. You name it, I at some point had worried about it in some fashion or another.
Thank you Heavenly Father for revealing in my life the TRUTH that .. "There is NO FEAR in love; but perfect love casts out all fear" 1 John 4:18. There is no fear here. You reign in my heart and in my life. As I go through this life, "even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will FEAR NO EVIL.. for you are with me" Psalm 23:4. Every step, every thought, every word, surrendered to your will.
That is how I can watch my little boy walk into surgery

and have no fear in my heart. I trust in you completely. I know what your word says about you watching over us and that you never sleep or slumber... and most of all HOW MUCH YOU LOVE ME... AND BRANDON.
Thank you Heavenly Father for revealing in my life the TRUTH that .. "There is NO FEAR in love; but perfect love casts out all fear" 1 John 4:18. There is no fear here. You reign in my heart and in my life. As I go through this life, "even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will FEAR NO EVIL.. for you are with me" Psalm 23:4. Every step, every thought, every word, surrendered to your will.
That is how I can watch my little boy walk into surgery

and have no fear in my heart. I trust in you completely. I know what your word says about you watching over us and that you never sleep or slumber... and most of all HOW MUCH YOU LOVE ME... AND BRANDON.

No fear here =0)
Monday, December 7, 2009
Up and going EARLY..
Tomorrow is a BIG day for our little guy. Brandon gets his tonsils and adenoids out. He's excited about ice cream and popscicles.. and mommy is excited that he will be able to BREATHE.. get TONS OF AIR in his little lungs =0) Daddy can't take tomorrow off, so it's just me and Brandon, and Susie (my adopted!) is going to come over and watch Hollynd. Pray all goes well with lil miss, she LOVES her Susie, so I think everything will be just fine.. it's more a mommy thing I guess!!!
My handsome little Indian for Thanksgiving =0)

Tonsils and Adenoids
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