Momma, I miss you... I still remember when you found this necklace in the Christian bookstore with me, and showed it to me crying... it reminded you of my Daddy in Heaven. Neither of us had the money to get it at the time, but just a few days later, Leslie asked me for ideas of what to get you for Christmas... oh I knew in my heart what it was!!!!! I knew you would cry when you opened it (it's a secret we as daughters seem to know that if we can draw tears, we've chosen the perfect Since you've passed 3-1/2 years ago.. I have had the necklace and wear it all the time. A few weeks ago when Aunt Pauline (your TWIN) was so very sick.. I felt the Lord telling me to give her the necklace. She knew the story, she knew you never took it off.. oh man... I was like WHAT???? LORD REALLY??? This is one thing I have of my momma's that she wore, that she loved, that had such special memories belonging only to me from the moment she saw it, to the moment she opened it. Knowing that if I am not obedient, I will not have peace, I told my Unie (that's what I call my Aunt Pauline.. her middle name is UNA after my grandma, but I call her UNIE, short for UNIQUE.. I've always felt she was a very unique gift that God gave me as an Aunt) anyway.. I told her since she was in the hospital that the next time I saw her, the Lord told me to give this necklace to her... she started to cry. She told me how much she loved me, how much she knew it meant to me, and how much it meant to momma. To make a long story short... actually, it's already long, so ... lol.... ANYWAY, A couple of days after she got out of the hospital, I went to her house, and placed in on her neck. She hugged me HUGE, told me how much she loves me, and we got to spend some good quality time together. I felt at peace.. I didn't have that feeling that I struggled with initially. I knew I had been obedient to the Holy Spirit, and I knew HE had a purpose. About a month later, I stopped in to see my favorite Aunt.. once again, she wasn't feeling well, but she was at home, on her oxygen, and just trying to rest. We spent more great time together drinking coffee and talking about every subject from Obama to my baby girl Hollynd who was just loving on her "Grandma" as all my kids call my Aunt Pauline. Right before I got ready to leave, she said she had something for me... She took the necklace off, told me to bend down, and placed it back on my neck. I cried.. I told her NO, the Lord told me to give this to you.. and she told me that her reunion with my momma will be sooner than mine, and I needed to keep it, wear it, and remember that I did what God told me to do... and that's all that mattered. To sum all of this up, I guess I just wanted to say... sometimes letting go of something that means the world to you, does not mean that it is gone forever... God knew what he was doing.. I DECIDED to be obedient, and yet I got my treasure back... now with the memory of my momma wearing it and my UNIE wearing it... the 2 women I love most on this earth.....
The necklace comes with this poem:
Since Heaven has become your home
I sometimes feel I'm so alone
and though we now are far apart
you hold a big piece of my heart
I never knew how much I'd grieve
when it was time for you to leave,
or just how much my heart would ache
from that one fragment you would take.
God lets this tender hole remain
reminding me we'll meet again,
and one day all the pain will cease
when He restores this missing piece.
He'll turn to joy my every tear
and when I wear this necklace near
it will become my simple way
to treasure our Reunion Day.

The tender hole that remains is in the shape of a tear drop... which reminds me of God's promise that HE will wipe away EVERY TEAR =0)