Saturday, January 31, 2009
I am convinced that tomorrow Pastor Kim will be speaking directly to me... I feel like I've lost it this week in just about every area from patience, to forgiveness, to gentleness, I could go on and on, but I'm sure you get my point. I have apologized more this week for my crappy attitude than I have in I don't know how long!! Sheldon is sweet and adds that my hormones are crazy from pre-menopause (man, I don't even know if I just spelled that To be honest I have to call my sister tomorrow and let her know what he preaches on because she thinks this is hilarious and knows that tomorrow I will be this big ball of tears.... what a good sis I have... =) Anyway, I'm excited about going to church and Praise and Worship, and Pastor's teaching...I love church.... but Sheldon offered to let me wear his steel-toed boots to church tomorrow so Pastor doesn't "step on my toes" too much....LOL.... I'm so glad that God has a sense of humor!!!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Those "fun" days
You know those days where everything seems to go to crap? I mean everything that you seem to put your hand to, turns to mush...not gold. The one day that you just want to crawl into bed and shut the world out even if only for a few hours. AND NO, OF COURSE NOT.... it ends up that no matter how far under those blankets you want to crawl....out you have to come. Thus being a grown-up I guess (when did that happen??) All I know is you can have the best of intentions and still let people you love down, though that's the last thing in the world you ever want to do.... you can try your best in hard family situations to do things that may not be popular, but are right... I guess we're all human, and no one is perfect. . . . yet we blame ourselves. Ahh, at least there is bedtime, where we wake up with a promise that his love and grace and mercy and forgiveness are new every morning =)
No wonder I like bedtime so much
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
His grace is sufficient
But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.
2 Corinthians 12:9
His grace.... His power is made perfect in my weakness... praise God
Sometimes life throws so many things at you that you don't know which way you're going ... especially as a mommy of 4 wonderful boys who run me ragged daily =)
The last part of the verse is my prayer... that Christ's power may rest on me.
So, I guess it's really time "to boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses"
kinda humbling....
2 Corinthians 12:9
His grace.... His power is made perfect in my weakness... praise God
Sometimes life throws so many things at you that you don't know which way you're going ... especially as a mommy of 4 wonderful boys who run me ragged daily =)
The last part of the verse is my prayer... that Christ's power may rest on me.
So, I guess it's really time "to boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses"
kinda humbling....
Monday, January 26, 2009
Some people judge their life by the things that surround them, things they've bought, their cars, their houses, their "big-boy toys"... we have so much at our fingeritps now more than ever. Can you stop and remember the last time you didn't have to make sure you had your cell phone? Can you remember the last time you didn't have to check your calender to see when exactly you can squeeze in some time with a friend?
I know we all have things to do, things we HAVE to do, things we're involved in that take commitment, and I'm not saying there is anything wrong with that... it just makes me think back to a different time in life...
A time when we got excited to see cousins pull into the drive way at the farm because it meant more kids to play with.
A time when going on a tractor ride to spread manure was something
A time when family reunions were planned each year, instead of every 10 years.
A time when I can remember my momma always being in the kitchen canning something or baking something or cooking something, but always having time to stop and kiss a boo boo or for the crazy questions we had or just for a hug and a quick I love you.
Simple times, simple memories at the time that turn into your most prized memories of all =)
I know we all have things to do, things we HAVE to do, things we're involved in that take commitment, and I'm not saying there is anything wrong with that... it just makes me think back to a different time in life...
A time when we got excited to see cousins pull into the drive way at the farm because it meant more kids to play with.
A time when going on a tractor ride to spread manure was something
A time when family reunions were planned each year, instead of every 10 years.
A time when I can remember my momma always being in the kitchen canning something or baking something or cooking something, but always having time to stop and kiss a boo boo or for the crazy questions we had or just for a hug and a quick I love you.
Simple times, simple memories at the time that turn into your most prized memories of all =)
Sunday, January 25, 2009
The Good Old days
I realize that 37 is a far cry from 20... but I still remember being 20 =) I guess it just amazes me how much our world has changed since I was a "young" girl. Respect is fading... I hear kids talk to their parents in ways that back in the day, you would've been picking out a switch or picking yourself up off the ground. Morals are too wishy-washy... back then you knew that GOD was watching, now they don't seem to care. We used to watch out for the younger kids all the time, it wasn't an option, it was your DUTY as a bigger kid. You suffered consequences which today's teens now loose their cell phone, or their computer for a few days. It makes me miss my momma even more. I thank God everyday that she brought us up to respect our elders, to treat each and every person the same, no matter if they were rich or poor. We were taught to pitch in and make things a team effort as brothers and sisters, things got done a whole lot faster that way. We were taught respect for other people's things...if it's not yours, don't mess with it. Doors were held open for women, men didn't cuss around the ladies, and the ladies just didn't cuss period. Your children were your true prize posession, money could come and go, things could be hard, but as long as we had each other, we were more than just fine, we were HAPPY =)
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Favorite Church song..
One of my fav all time songs from Church won't leave my head today
The song is "He is Here"
It talks about how Jesus is here in our midst
in His power, in His glory, in His demonstration he is here
He's the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end
He's Savior, Healer, our kinsman redeemer
All powerful, all loving, everlasting, all forgiving
He's the heavy load bearer, broken heart repairer, Son of God, Son of man, Prince of Peace, Great I AM, sanctifier, Holy One, Righteous One, Redeeming Son, restorer, provider, repairer, reviver...HE'S JESUS
What a great reminder in ONE song as to how many precious things He will be to us if we will only let him!!!
The song is "He is Here"
It talks about how Jesus is here in our midst
in His power, in His glory, in His demonstration he is here
He's the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end
He's Savior, Healer, our kinsman redeemer
All powerful, all loving, everlasting, all forgiving
He's the heavy load bearer, broken heart repairer, Son of God, Son of man, Prince of Peace, Great I AM, sanctifier, Holy One, Righteous One, Redeeming Son, restorer, provider, repairer, reviver...HE'S JESUS
What a great reminder in ONE song as to how many precious things He will be to us if we will only let him!!!
Unique in every way =)
How awesome is it that God made each of us so different... I think about my boys and bugs for instance:
Darian, not a bug lover whatsoever, was actually deathly afraid of flies at age 2
Gavin, has brought me bugs to show me how cool they look, but if it's a bee, he won't go outside until days have gone by and there is no sight of it whatsoever.
Brandon, has never shown any type of interest in bugs, doesn't care if he sees one, doesn't care at all even if they're big or small, just give him the computer and he's a happy happy
Their thoughts, their hearts, their struggles, their abilities, their curiousness, their ways of showing affection, their heard-headedness(like, everything so unique in every way yet they come from the exact same parents, raised the exact same way, and shown the exact same examples.... I truly believe that as your children grow, you become more and more amazed at how we truly are his unique handiwork =)
Darian, not a bug lover whatsoever, was actually deathly afraid of flies at age 2
Gavin, has brought me bugs to show me how cool they look, but if it's a bee, he won't go outside until days have gone by and there is no sight of it whatsoever.
Brandon, has never shown any type of interest in bugs, doesn't care if he sees one, doesn't care at all even if they're big or small, just give him the computer and he's a happy happy
Their thoughts, their hearts, their struggles, their abilities, their curiousness, their ways of showing affection, their heard-headedness(like, everything so unique in every way yet they come from the exact same parents, raised the exact same way, and shown the exact same examples.... I truly believe that as your children grow, you become more and more amazed at how we truly are his unique handiwork =)
Difference comes from above
Friday, January 23, 2009
So I made it until about 5 last night before I decided that I needed to go to the ER for this crippling headache that had me MISERABLE yesterday. I realize that with my neck problems, this is kinda par for the course, but HOLY COW that was a doozie =( So after about 4 hours, 2 shots and some perscriptions for today I was home. I have to admit that when I went to bed last night, I still had a headache, and yet still this morning it seems to building once again. Good news ~ I see my neck doctor Tuesday and hopefully they have a new plan of attack on this situation. Please pray for me, headaches can ruin your day with pain!! Sorry to just complain, I know there are so many people going through so much worse sometimes I feel like I'm just a complainer.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Sometimes life hurts.
Sometimes it doesn't seem like you get any kind of say-so whatsoever.
Sometimes life is totally unfair.
Sometimes other peoples actions affect your life and you can do nothing about it.
Sometimes the love in your heart is underestimated.
Sometimes the hardest route to choose is the right route.
Sometimes you are just plain misunderstood.
Sometimes you wonder how such deep feelings of love can be stirred at the glace of a picture.
Sometimes you wonder if anyone truly understands.
ALWAYS I know that God is in control.
ALWAYS I know that He loves me.
ALWAYS I know that He guides my every step.
ALWAYS I know that He understands.
ALWAYS I know that He will never leave me or turn His back on me.
ALWAYS I know that He is the creator of EVERYTHING big and small.
Sometimes it doesn't seem like you get any kind of say-so whatsoever.
Sometimes life is totally unfair.
Sometimes other peoples actions affect your life and you can do nothing about it.
Sometimes the love in your heart is underestimated.
Sometimes the hardest route to choose is the right route.
Sometimes you are just plain misunderstood.
Sometimes you wonder how such deep feelings of love can be stirred at the glace of a picture.
Sometimes you wonder if anyone truly understands.
ALWAYS I know that God is in control.
ALWAYS I know that He loves me.
ALWAYS I know that He guides my every step.
ALWAYS I know that He understands.
ALWAYS I know that He will never leave me or turn His back on me.
ALWAYS I know that He is the creator of EVERYTHING big and small.
Sometimes and Always
Monday, January 19, 2009
Winter seems to bring these funky sicknesses that are striking everyone. From the smallest, to the biggest. My prayer is that EVERYONE dealing with any type of sickness will feel the hand of God upon them and his healing power will be an amazing testimony to anyone and everyone involved. And to my little buddy Gabe, you have the sweetest smile, the softest voice, the most amazing little eyes, and such a pure heart... for you I pray for an extra touch from God, one that makes all of your yuckies go away FOR GOOD!!! I love you little guy, and your momma & daddy & Ellie too... so many people are praying for you, and I feel blessed to be one of them! GET WELL SOON MY LITTLE FRIEND =)
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
So I've been slacking on maintaining my blog... we've been through a week of the pukes in our house. As this was going on, I felt like God kept bring me to 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a
"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self seeking. It is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails."
There are so many different things in these few verses that I have truly spent a lot of time lately meditating on. Love is patient...hard to be when you've been puked ON for a week; Love is kind....hard to be when you're tired and cranky from lack of sleep. I could go on and on through every point it makes about what Love truly acts like and then find where I can do so much better. I tell myself that I am here to instill the Love of God into my children, and if I can't show them how I'm called to love them, then how will they understand what Love walks like, and what Love talks like, and what Love does and does NOT do! All I can say is pray for me =)
"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self seeking. It is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails."
There are so many different things in these few verses that I have truly spent a lot of time lately meditating on. Love is patient...hard to be when you've been puked ON for a week; Love is kind....hard to be when you're tired and cranky from lack of sleep. I could go on and on through every point it makes about what Love truly acts like and then find where I can do so much better. I tell myself that I am here to instill the Love of God into my children, and if I can't show them how I'm called to love them, then how will they understand what Love walks like, and what Love talks like, and what Love does and does NOT do! All I can say is pray for me =)
Walking out true LOVE
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Little Prayer Warrior
It's amazing to watch your kids grow.... it's great to see the relationships they're developing... some by force, most by love ;) I know it seems I always brag about Brandon, but this kid truly is amazing. He started a couple of months ago asking if he could say prayer at our meal, so Sheldon would tell him a short prayer, and Brandon would repeat it.... NOW, Brandon prays at our meals all by himself... he says thanks for the food, thanks for the day, he prays for a good nights sleep, he goes on and on.. it's so ADORABLE and then he started just walking around or when he's laying down in the evening to go to bed, he just starts praying. This truly has been a lesson to me in the argument of "I don't have time to pray"... Brandon has shown me how we can pray whenever we want no matter where we are, outloud for everyone to hear and it really is just opening up and talking to God. I believe this also shows how often Brandon thinks about God.... faith like a child
Faith like a child
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Family Time... IT'S THE BEST!
Today was great, not only did I have the hubby home for New Years Day, but both of my sisters came down and spent lunch & dinner with us, my niece and her fiance came and spent the afternoon, my little brother lives here, so he got home from working around dinner time, and my older brother came by with his family to see everybody. All 5 of us kids were together and SUPRISINGLY my dad called to see how everybody was doing (he calls me for updates on everybody) and found out everybody was here, so the phone got passed around =) The crazy thing is, usually we see Dad at Christmas, and then we can literally go MONTHS without hearing from him, so for him to call when everybody happened to be here (which this wasn't a planned get together, my sisters just decided the day before yesterday to come down today and hang out for a while). God is so good, he orchestrates things without us even knowing! I really do ADORE my brothers and sisters. So, 2009 has started out full of family and to me that is the greatest way to start the new year... and this also is to me what truly matters in family.
Miss Alaina Katherine...Katherine was my momma's name =)
My princess Ariana.. she's spending the weekend with Sissy! (that's
What a blessing this little sweetheart is!
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