Saturday, January 31, 2009


I am convinced that tomorrow Pastor Kim will be speaking directly to me... I feel like I've lost it this week in just about every area from patience, to forgiveness, to gentleness, I could go on and on, but I'm sure you get my point. I have apologized more this week for my crappy attitude than I have in I don't know how long!! Sheldon is sweet and adds that my hormones are crazy from pre-menopause (man, I don't even know if I just spelled that To be honest I have to call my sister tomorrow and let her know what he preaches on because she thinks this is hilarious and knows that tomorrow I will be this big ball of tears.... what a good sis I have... =) Anyway, I'm excited about going to church and Praise and Worship, and Pastor's teaching...I love church.... but Sheldon offered to let me wear his steel-toed boots to church tomorrow so Pastor doesn't "step on my toes" too much....LOL.... I'm so glad that God has a sense of humor!!!

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