Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Been gone too long...

So through a variety of sicknesses in the house, war wounds from falling down the stairs, a major sinus infection, and yet 200 million things to do with concerts and fund-raising, I have been sooooo out of the loop =) AND, I usually write at night when everybody else was sleeping, but I found that my body was telling me to GO TO BED ... so I listened. Finally seems that everybody is doing better, of course nothing seems to be slowing down, but I can at least keep up when I'm up to par =) So here's a few shots of things that have been going on...Gav got his new guitar with his birthday money =)

Hallalujiah Night at the church =)

Brandon the glowing sound man =)
One last bloom before winter....I LOVE THIS ROSE BUSH!!!! Blooming in NOVEMBER!
Gotta squeeze in every chance to grill before the snow starts flying!
Loving the last of the warm weather =)
I promise to be blogging more often!

1 comment:

Smileyface said...

missed you..welcome back! hugs