Monday, March 2, 2009

Gotta give kudos..

Since I'm at home 99 percent of the time, I have to really take this minute to give serious KUDOS and props to those working mommas. I have found that even being surrounded by these same walls 24/7 my laundry piles up, my dishes need done STILL, my house still needs serious spring cleaning done (though we've knocked out 2 rooms so far!!!). I don't know how you working mommies do it...I'm surrounded by it and I can't get it done in a day, yet you working mommies manage to squeeze in everything I do and have a whole other life to juggle. I love being here with my boys, I love being here while Brandon grows up, but I look up to you young and not so young ladies who everyday go and deal with an outside world that sometimes I'm really glad I can keep my door shut from! Just wanted to give a pat on the back to all of my great friends who do sooooo much!

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