Brandon plays this song on youtube everyday at least 10 times a day... I love to watch him sit and praise God... lift his hands, sing his little heart out... I think sometimes God sends little messages to me through my sweet 3 year old...
Mercy Me... Jesus bring the rain:
Bring me joy
Bring me peace
Bring the chance to be free
Bring me anything that brings you glory
and I know they'll be days
when this life brings me pain
but if that's what it taks to praise you...
Jesus bring the rain
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Simple truth
Monday, April 27, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Feeling blessed
So many changes are coming our way... some we know about... some we don't. All I do know is that in every way I feel so blessed... blessed with my family the way it is, but excited about what it is going to become =) . . . blessed with my relationship with my husband, but excited as we grow and become more one spirit, yet two people . . . and excited about all the things God has in store that I know nothing about! Maybe it's the spring that's bringing about fresh air and a fresh outlook... BUT maybe just maybe I'm finally realizing why God put me on this earth.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Better to be a poor man
How many people do we know that fit the 2nd description so much more than the poor man who's walk is blameless...
Better a poor man whose walk is blameless than a fool whose lips are perverse.
Proverbs 19:1
I can goof enough on my own, I don't need help being a fool =)
Better a poor man whose walk is blameless than a fool whose lips are perverse.
Proverbs 19:1
I can goof enough on my own, I don't need help being a fool =)
Thursday, April 23, 2009
I looove Aaron Shust =) I was looking up his song "Matchess" on you-tube and found this video that is FILLED with Psalms & Proverbs with way cool pics and images to go along with them! Just wanted to share... the song and the video... hope you like it!
Son of Man, Great I am, King of Heaven,
Son of God, You hold the measure of my days
Holy Lamb, Spotless Lamb, You are worthy, I am not
Before Your throne I stand amazed
Every tongue confess and every knee will bow
To Jesus Christ, the Lord forever, hear our praises now
Your name is matchless, Your name is priceless
Your name means more than I could know
You're so far above me, the way that You love me
Goes further than any love could go
Wonderful Counselor, Root of David, Morning Star
You are the Way, the Truth, the Life
Lion of the tribe of Judah, Mighty God is who You are
The only Perfect Sacrifice
In Your name You took the blind man and You gave him back his sight
In Your name You took the dead man and You brought him back to life
In You name You took this prisoner and You opened up the doors
And I will sing before Your throne forever more
Son of Man, Great I am, King of Heaven,
Son of God, You hold the measure of my days
Holy Lamb, Spotless Lamb, You are worthy, I am not
Before Your throne I stand amazed
Every tongue confess and every knee will bow
To Jesus Christ, the Lord forever, hear our praises now
Your name is matchless, Your name is priceless
Your name means more than I could know
You're so far above me, the way that You love me
Goes further than any love could go
Wonderful Counselor, Root of David, Morning Star
You are the Way, the Truth, the Life
Lion of the tribe of Judah, Mighty God is who You are
The only Perfect Sacrifice
In Your name You took the blind man and You gave him back his sight
In Your name You took the dead man and You brought him back to life
In You name You took this prisoner and You opened up the doors
And I will sing before Your throne forever more
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
My daily bible verse...
Everyday I get a new Bible verse and it's set as my home-page. So everytime I sign on, I see the same verse over and over. It's a nice way to concentrate on the word, and to be reminded multiple times what a verse really says. So this morning (3:30 to be exact... finally went to bed at a decent time, and my eye balls pop wide open at 3:30???!!!!) the verse reminded me of my last posting about the power of the tongue. Just wanted to share:
He who guards his lips guards his life, but he who speaks rashly will come to ruin.
Proverbs 13:3
My own little reminder of what God's really dealing with me about =)
He who guards his lips guards his life, but he who speaks rashly will come to ruin.
Proverbs 13:3
My own little reminder of what God's really dealing with me about =)
little reminder
Monday, April 20, 2009
The power of the tongue
As the boys get older, and as their hearing seems to magically disappear at times (lol).. I've noticed myself raising my voice more often. I realize I am the parent, and at times to get 3 kids attention, your voice has to be raised above the madness and and fun and I have to make it over their noise level. I was really reminded tonight (by an episode of Little People Big World...kinda funny that a great TV show actually shows Amy making Jacob look up verses in the bible about the power of the tongue because he got in trouble for running his mouth... also what a great way to discipline, yet teach the word to them at the same time!) Anyway, a verse that was really brought up into my spirit was the verse that says : "The power of life and death is in the tongue" Proverbs 18:21 We have the ability to speak life or death over our kids, our husbands, our friends, people we meet in the community... such a small small part of our body, yet no where else does it say that the power of life and death is in ANYTHING but the tongue. In James (1:26)it also says: "If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless" which pretty much says to me that I can claim to love Jesus all I want, but without a tight rein on my tongue, my religion is worthless... if I cannot keep my tongue and LOVE unconditionally and not always say what may come to my lips ...which isnt always nice ;) I can make my religion seem worthless. Why would anyone want to follow my Jesus if I cut them to pieces with my words.
As a mommy, it seems so easy to watch our mouths with them around.. to try to not speak to harshly, to try to speak words of encouragement to them... now with my husband, that can be a totally different story... he gets it worse than anybody else because I seem to unload on him. I was quite nicely reminded by the Lord that respect goes to every living being... not just the one's I feel like giving it to at that moment. I must say, I have a lot to work on =)~ Pray for me!
As a mommy, it seems so easy to watch our mouths with them around.. to try to not speak to harshly, to try to speak words of encouragement to them... now with my husband, that can be a totally different story... he gets it worse than anybody else because I seem to unload on him. I was quite nicely reminded by the Lord that respect goes to every living being... not just the one's I feel like giving it to at that moment. I must say, I have a lot to work on =)~ Pray for me!
power of life and death
Sunday, April 19, 2009
There are so things I battle with when it comes to how so many Christians act. We almost isolate ourselves with only believers around us and that's great... but we're to be a light in the darkness... which does mean that eventually you have to be around darkness to let your light shine. I'm not saying that this is an excuse to become a heroin addict, or put yourself in a harmful situation.. but what I am saying is: Is it wrong to go to the bar with your friend... because that's where she wants to go? She knows I go to church, she knows I can pretty much have one beer because of meds I'm on.... she just wants the company. So I then ask myself... is this ok? This is in, but not of... a light in the darkness... BUT then creeps in the thought of "well I heard Angie was at the bar Friday (or Saturday) night..." There is a fine line where you don't want to be a stumbling block for anyone, yet it was Paul who said I become like all so that I might win some. Tight rope balancing act is what is sounds like.. but then again I wonder if I make this more difficult than what it is.... IDK
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Memories =)
I went to the Maundy Thursday service last week, and growing up singing hyms in a Baptist church.. I knew most of the songs that they sang. One song just choked me up and made me cry though. I can remember my mom walking around the house doing different things and singing...
I come to the garden alone... while the dew is still on the roses
and he walks with me and he talks with me
and he tells me I am his own
and the joy we share as we tarry there
none other has ever known
as they started playing this song at the Methodist church... I just broke inside... yet at the same time, I was able to smile and close my eyes and sing along.. I had heard the song so many times I knew it by heart =) I could so faintly hear my mommas beautiful voice singing along. So tonight as I was missing her and thinking about her, I found this on you-tube.. and Alan Jackson was one of my mom's favorite country stars. My sister and I saw him in concert last year with Brooks and Dunn... they were all amazing!!! Hope you enjoy... I know my momma would've loved to have seen this =)
I come to the garden alone... while the dew is still on the roses
and he walks with me and he talks with me
and he tells me I am his own
and the joy we share as we tarry there
none other has ever known
as they started playing this song at the Methodist church... I just broke inside... yet at the same time, I was able to smile and close my eyes and sing along.. I had heard the song so many times I knew it by heart =) I could so faintly hear my mommas beautiful voice singing along. So tonight as I was missing her and thinking about her, I found this on you-tube.. and Alan Jackson was one of my mom's favorite country stars. My sister and I saw him in concert last year with Brooks and Dunn... they were all amazing!!! Hope you enjoy... I know my momma would've loved to have seen this =)
Remembering her voice
Friday, April 17, 2009
There will be a day
One of my all time favorite songs... There will be a day by Jeremy Camp
I found this video/deotional on you-tube and was blessed... hope you are too =)
He'll wipe away every tear... My how much our father loves us!
I found this video/deotional on you-tube and was blessed... hope you are too =)
He'll wipe away every tear... My how much our father loves us!
Nothing shall compare
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Think about it
Think about it
if you were born after January 22, 1973 you are a living survivor of the American Holocaust
if you were born after January 22, 1973 you are a living survivor of the American Holocaust
Beyond all political views .. beyond Roe vs. Wade... lies the truth
Somethings I'll never understand
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Easter Sunday
I used to just love Christmas (don't get me wrong...I still do!!) but after losing my mom and having Easter fall so very close to her death, I have found a new favorite day of the year =) Today was no disappointment (not that church EVER is).. but Annie signed to the song "Arise my love" and it is always SO powerful when she does her specials. There is something so heart touching to see these signs done to a beautiful song. God gives so many different types of gifts to us and I'm just proud that Annie is obedient (and having a little one doesn't always make that convenient!) because I know so many were touched by her today! Didn't get to hear the sermon (yet...I have a CD) because I taught toddlers today since Cindi was gone for Easter to see her momma. Had a blast with the kids like I always do =) Kids that age are such a riot and so much fun. Thanks to Ashley for her help and company!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Happy Birthday Carter
We had my nephews birthday party to attend tonight... Sheldon ended up staying home (back ouchie) and kept Brandon (who really needed to be in bed WAY before we would've gotten home). So.. it was me and Darian and Gavin. It's been a while since they've had mom all to themselves and especially at a pool =) We had sooo much fun. I showed them that I wasn't lying when I said I could dive (used to be a life guard at church camp during summers.. had my certification and all... WOW that was like 22 years ago... dang I'm getting so then mom decides lets pull out the big guns and show them what I used to know.. key word is USED to know... I showed them I could do a back dive. To my shock, it worked out well, but I think I was convinced that it wouldn't and got a butt load of water in my nose. MAN I HATE THAT! at least there was no choking, coughing, or puking involved... but it soooo burns!!!! So I got some mommy points tonight . . Darian and I did the diving board together, and Gavin and I played around a lot in the 3.5 foot water (he doesn't like water in his ears... or face a lot, but praise God he's at least in the water.. that took FOREVER!). I'm just so thankful that God gives us these little tiny babies and they grow so quickly . . . I am truly blessed! Maundy Thursday service was great, Friday night I had some quiet time with Daddy after all the kids went to sleep and we snuggled (he still makes my heart skip a beat even after 12 years) tonight was a great night of fun and silliness with my boys and with the rest of my family (all of us 5 kids were there!!! plus TONS of Carter's friends), and tomorrow is Easter.. my favorite day of all... after you lose someone the ressurection takes on a whole new meaning for you... without that, none of us would have eternal life... He took the keys of Hell, and broke the grip of death forever. I love that Easter is so close to when my momma died... it helps me get through that day by looking forward to Easter where we completely focus on His victory over the grave!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Too cool
I thought this way so cool I had to share it... I was so amazed at what they can do with sand =)
Hope you were in awe like I was... besides I never get tired of hearing that song
It was one of my momma's favorites!
Hope you were in awe like I was... besides I never get tired of hearing that song
It was one of my momma's favorites!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Some fun...
Just posting some pics from lately... can't wait for it to get nice out so we can get outside and start walking to the park!
The hat Gavin brought back from the lock-in for Brandon (what a sweet brother!!)
Our wonderful weather Sunday night... gone by 4 p.m. Monday
My brother and Brandon at play... he ADORES his Uncle Randy
Brandon knows Aunt Tracy is always good for a sugar fix
My younger brother Jeremy who lives with us and Tessa my beautiful niece
Me and my niece Princess Ariana
I love my family SOOO much.. 2 brothers, 2 sisters and me... wouldn't trade them for anything in this world!
I love my family SOOO much.. 2 brothers, 2 sisters and me... wouldn't trade them for anything in this world!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Celebration of Life
So the 3rd anniversary of losing my mom was Saturday. It's the kind of anniversary that as it gets closer, you want to try and forget it instead of the fun anniversary's that you get excited about. The true blessing was Friday night at the lock in I was talking to Nancy (a sweet friend from our church) who herself is battling cancer. Nancy had no idea that the next day was a day I was dreading because of losing my mom, though she did now that I had lost my mom to cancer. As Nancy and I talked she was telling me that as a person who is looking death in the face yet fighting with all her might to over come this vicious disease she can look at me and tell what a wonderful woman my mom was by the person that I am. She told me to not look at the fact that she is gone, look at all that she gave me while she was here... look at the precious time I had with her, look at the time my boys had with her, and look at the love she put inside of me and the tenderness that she helped instill in me towards others. She said that my mom is not gone, part of her lives on everyday as I live on, and as my boys live on. The memories that we have of the love that she gave will never die.. her love will never die. I think it really took hearing these words of encouragement from a woman who is fighting the battle that my mom lost. She also told me that as a mom, the last thing she wants is for her son to be so sad that she is in HEAVEN. She doesn't want him to spend years of his life wasted in a hole of despair, she wants him to celebrate (IF SHE DIES) that she is with the Lord. Some of this may seem like common sense, but when you lose someone who seemed to be a huge part of what makes your world go round, you lose sight of a lot of things except for the fact that they are no longer here. I guess its a path you have to walk to understand. I told Nancy that the one thing I do know is that God carried me second by second.. minute by minute... hour by hour... day by day ... I learned he truly is always there and will never ever turn his back on me especially in those times of our lives when we cannot take a single step without him holding us up!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Sunday fun
So church was great today =) It was a huge blessing, lots of encouragement, and revelation. I always knew the daddy role was so important, but the way it was portrayed today made me realize even more why it is so important. I've always been excited about the verse that says "he will turn the hearts of the fathers towards their children, and the hearts of the children toward their fathers".... this has always been important to me because my Dad wasn't really "there" in any way except the physical way. Daddy's love is sooooo special and I love to see my kids get excited when their daddy gets home. I know my role as mommy is important and special, but it is such a blessing when I see my kids with their daddy.. playing, doing homework, just being together as a family. How much easier is it for them to understand their heavenly father's love if they have a daddy here on earth that shows unconditional love! I had to laugh when Darian brought up what Ken said about having a lot of wives, and the suicide rate being high in those cultures! Even Darian at 11 understood and LAUGHED at trying to keep more than one woman happy!!! The lock-in was a huge success and the kids had a blast on Friday (they were a little tired Saturday!) So I thought I'd post some pics I took from the lock-in and let everybody see how many smiling kids we had!!!! God is good =)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009
I don't know what's up but I just can't sleep anymore. My neck is part of it I know, but this is getting really old REALLY quick!
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