Monday, February 2, 2009

Little tykes =)

I have always from as long as I can remember LOVED babies. Had tons of baby dolls, always played that I was a mommy taking care of her babies. I get more joy out of watching kids play than any tv show I've ever seen, movie I've ever seen... I mean you can go from comedy, to drama, to violence, to love story all within a 1 minute exchange between small

So today I babysat for two of the cutest kids that are on the face of this earth!! I forgot to take my camera to get some pictures of Brandon's "play-date" while mommy babysat. Things went soooo well. The kids played so hard and all slept so hard for their naps ;) As odd as it may seem it's kinda nice to get out of the house even if it is staying inside at somebody else's house... does that make sense? I guess even just the change of scenery in another home during winter can make you feel good!!

Special thanks to my buddy Laura, thanks for letting us be a part of your lives =)

1 comment:

Smileyface said... were such a blessing to me today. Thank you, thank you....if there's anything we can ever do for you, let me know! We love you guys so much and are so thankful God placed you in our lives.....and are SUPER excited about our valentines date! we'll have to take pictures! are we gonna dress up?!?!?!?