Friday, February 20, 2009

Simply friends

We had a WONDERFUL homemade pizza night with our friends Pat & Christine (and their 5 kids, with our 4 kdis... they so outnumber Thanks for all the hard work Christine, and next time, my house, my dirty dishes, and me slaving over a hot stove. What a blessing it is to be able to just get together and fellowship. So much laughing, so much talking, just such a huge blessing. It will always amaze me the people that God brings into our lives... people who love us knowing all their is to know about us. Isn't that really what Jesus truly wants us to be... to do.... Get together, talk about how he's blessed us, or the struggles we're having, get encouragement from one another, and give Him all the glory. Loving each other even if you know the ugliest sin that person has ever felt guilty about... forgiveness, compassion, love, gentleness... but thank God he has a sense of HUMOR and lets us laugh till it hurts sometimes!!!

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