Things like:
Damaged hearts require Spiritual repair. Simply polishing the exterior of our life with religion isn't enough.
Of this we can be sure: the rose that is crushed today will, in His hands, bloom once again.
The works of your hands become an act of worship when the attitude of your heart is to demonstrate to others the glory of His goodness in your life. (The Kiss of Heaven)
1 Corinthians 8:3 The man who loves God is known by God.
It ought to be the business of everyday to prepare for our last day (Matthew Henry)
Forget who you were; Become who you ARE.
You cannot stay where you are and GO with God at the same time.
God doesn't love me because of who I am... I'm who I am BECAUSE God loves me.

He feels supreme love for One he's never seen.
He talks familiarly every day to someone he cannot see.
He expects to go to Heaven on the virtue of another.
He empties himself in order to be full.
He admits he is wrong so he can be declared right.
He goes down in order to get up.
He is strongest when he is weakest, richest when he is poorest, happiest when he feels the worst.
He dies so he can live.
He forsakes in order to have.
He gives away so he can keep.
He sees the invisible, he hears the inaudible.
He knows that which passes understanding. (A.W. Tozer)
But above all, my favorite verse is this:
Isaiah 41:13
For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you Do not fear, I will help you, Do not be afraid.

Sometimes I feel God put this verse in the Bible just for me. I'm one of those people who needs his hand to hold. One of those people who needs to be reminded that He will help me and that I should not be afraid. As a child (ok, even PAST that) I was afraid of so many things. Afraid of my step-dad's temper, afraid of being by myself, afraid that eventually all men would leave me (gosh did Sheldon have to spend some serious years convincing me that wasn't true!!!) I was afraid that those I loved would die after finding out my real dad died 2 weeks before I was born. You name it, I was afraid of it!! I still remember how I felt when I found this verse. It was the first verse I wrote in big letters in my Bible. It's still the verse I come back to more often than any other. I've grown so much and am not afraid like I used to be, but I have to admit that I still have those days where I need his hand to hold and the gentle reminder that HE WILL HELP ME!
Thank you Lord for your hand that reaches down and holds onto mine and helps me everyday of my life. I am your little girl, you are my Heavenly Father and I trust you with all that I am. Because of you I am not afraid, because of you I can move mountains, because of you I can trust in a way I never thought possible. Because of you I know my home is in Heaven and until I get there you will help me do the works that you planned in advance for me to do. Because of you I can forgive, but most of all because of you I CAN LOVE WITHOUT ABANDON.

1 comment:
I love this verse too! You are not alone in your fears....I am right there with ya....Praise God that He loves us so deeply and never forsakes us.
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