Sometimes life hurts pretty bad... We know of a young 19 year old who gave birth on the 24th to a still born little girl..
the email said:
my friend in Ohio who is 7 months pregnant sent me a facebook message this morning and said that last week she had some bleeding and went to the hospital. she was transported to another one and ulstrasounds were done. they found the baby's heart wasn't doing well. it wasn't pumping blood to the body like it should and her lungs and rest of her body werent' getting enough blood. after a few days, they told her the baby wasn't going to survive no matter what. She had absolutely fallen in love with this baby(Ella Reese). I think I had a little too! they gave her the choice to deliver then or wait until 9 months if Ella made it that long. she went ahead with delivery. she had her on september 24 and she was 2 lbs. 6 oz. she was not alive when they brought her out.Jody had her baptized and had a photographer take pictures of her. I just sat and cried when I read this. she is 19. the baby was due a week or so before her 20th birthday around Christmas. just keep them in your prayers. she had changed her life so that she and the baby could have a good life.
Sometimes things just don't make sense. Sometimes you can't just explain away things that happen. To us, there is no sense at all to these heart breaking and life altering experiences we have. I guess one day in Heaven everything will make sense, but I'm thinking I probably won't care then because I'll be too happy being reunited with all those I've loved and lost... this song say's it all... I have to say I love the new Jeremy Camp song... There will be a day
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
So lately we've been struggling around the house with some "stories" that don't add up to complete truths. I know this is normal since we do have a house full of boys, and sometimes they're not quite as quick as you would It's just really got me to focus on TRUTH more... the fact that there is one version of complete truth. Not omission of facts, not twisting of tales, just TRUTH in it's most honest form. I'm so glad the Bible is all true. I don't have to worry about trusting that what it says is true, it's what we base all of our truth on. I guess it helps remind me to have patience in teaching our children the importance of always being truthful, that there is a trust issue when you tell one small lie, because then people don't trust that what is coming out of your mouth is 100 percent truth. Kinda glad to not focus on the half-truth's that come out of all of us at different times in our lives (I for one am NOT PERFECT), but it has helped me focus on the one true thing that I can count on and that's God's word. It's funny that God can use complete frustration, and still use it to teach me a timeless lesson =)
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Holding new babies =)
So last night I got to hold a sweet little 6 pound princess =) Jaiden was 6 lbs. 9 oz. when she was born, but lost a little weight before coming home. It was wonderful to take some supper over for the new mommy and daddy and get to hold this new little creation for a while!! I'm glad to say, I have officially gotten over the feeling of wanting another baby when I hold a tiny one =) I will continue to love on everybody else's little ones, but I'm definitely done wanting to have babies!

It's such a blessing to be able to be a part of a Church family that truly loves and serves one another =)

It's such a blessing to be able to be a part of a Church family that truly loves and serves one another =)
Tiny fingers,
tiny toes
Saturday, September 27, 2008
3 tips for living a better Christian life
Once of Brandon's favorite music to listen to is Toby Mac. I found this on Godtube and thought it was so true, I wanted to share it... hope you enjoy =)
One final thought... thank you to all of my church family for being an example to me about walking out love and having relationships with each other where we can be honest, open, yet loved no matter what.... thank you for making me want to walk closer to Jesus everyday as I watch so many of my friends grow themselves... my church family is a true blessing from God =)
One final thought... thank you to all of my church family for being an example to me about walking out love and having relationships with each other where we can be honest, open, yet loved no matter what.... thank you for making me want to walk closer to Jesus everyday as I watch so many of my friends grow themselves... my church family is a true blessing from God =)
Church family
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Our good friend Annie is having her baby we speak...or I guess, as I write =) It's been a day filled with thinking about the joy that they will experience having this new little life that God has given them, and also that very intense and painful miracle called child-birth. Having 3 boys that I've given birth to, (and 2 more that God gave me without the pain of ... I hate the words "step-son", they may not biologically be mine, but I have loved them since the day I met them) I have a good idea of what she's going through... the most pain you've ever experienced in your life... and lived to tell about it. Anyway, just been praying for Annie, Dave and little Jaiden Diane all day and can't wait to hear when SHE FINALLY DECIDES to come out and that everyone is fine. I really don't think there is anything that compares to the birth to a child. I think it's God in action at his best =)
Happy Birthday Jaiden
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Brandon's favorites...
I thought every once in a while I would just post one of Brandon's current favorite video's... I LOVE HIS TASTE IN MUSIC, he goes from Connie Talbot, to Skillet, to Toby Mac, to an all time favorite Day of Fire.... hope you like'll make you MOVE! The 2nd video is Brandon rockin to Day of Fire when he was 18 months old =) He's been a LIFETIME fan of
Brandon's fav's #1
To be reconciled
Sometimes we have these crazy things that come up in our life where there is a disagreement or a misunderstanding somewhere in our families, a completely unintentional happening that has resulted in hurt feelings, or anger. When it first takes place, HONESTLY it is hard not to become offended... to take that pride that says, look I did nothing wrong... this is so NOT my fault.... then the hurt steps in where your heart asks you.. does this person really think that I would ever do anything in my life to hurt them or upset them? Do I not show the love of Jesus that is unconditional? So you just kinda sit back, reeling from all that has happened, and you give it to God. Then you kinda struggle with Ok God, do I say anything here? Am I suppossed to call? Am I suppossed to just tell them I love them? Am I to leave this alone in your hands? After TONS of prayer, hearing His voice telling me not to call was hard, but knowing God had it all in his hands made it easier. Long story short, RECONCILIATION has been made, by nothing short of a God thing... the humility between everyone involved, the love, the forgiveness, the heartfelt moments of truly letting your heart be vulnerable to everyone... was something short of a miracle to me. This person means the world to me, and to see the softness that was in his face, the hug that he gave me was priceless. I don't feel like anyone won or lost or that now there even was a "battle" here... I've seen the Lord move in hearts and souls and has tought me what it truly means to be reconciled...
Websters says:
1 a: to restore to friendship or harmony
b: settle , resolve
2: to cause to submit to or accept something unpleasant
It was amazing to me the 2nd definition.... to cause to submit to or accept something unpleasant.... this struck me in a very different way today. I submitted and accepted something unpleasent, without response except love, no strings attached, and out of this submission came the restoration and settlement and resolution of the problem... Man I wish submission wasn't so hard sometimes ;) I once again see an area I have to work at...just constantly reminding myself that everything is in HIS hands, and I just have to be patient and watch in awe at what he does =) (AND KEEP MY MOUTH SHUT!!) God reminded me that he does not torture me with Him constantly repremanding me for my mistakes, or things that I've done that have hurt his feelings, He feels no need to spell out exactly what I've done.....he simply loves me, unconditionally and that is what I am called to do.
Websters says:
1 a: to restore to friendship or harmony
b: settle , resolve
2: to cause to submit to or accept something unpleasant
It was amazing to me the 2nd definition.... to cause to submit to or accept something unpleasant.... this struck me in a very different way today. I submitted and accepted something unpleasent, without response except love, no strings attached, and out of this submission came the restoration and settlement and resolution of the problem... Man I wish submission wasn't so hard sometimes ;) I once again see an area I have to work at...just constantly reminding myself that everything is in HIS hands, and I just have to be patient and watch in awe at what he does =) (AND KEEP MY MOUTH SHUT!!) God reminded me that he does not torture me with Him constantly repremanding me for my mistakes, or things that I've done that have hurt his feelings, He feels no need to spell out exactly what I've done.....he simply loves me, unconditionally and that is what I am called to do.
Yet another lesson learned
Sunday, September 21, 2008
You raise me up...
Probably one of my all time faves... there's just something SO special about it when it's done by a 6 year old girl =) This little girl Connie Talbot is one of Brandon's faves to watch on youtube.. (not hard to see
So beautiful, so sweet and innocent...brings a whole new meaning to ...from the mouth of babes he will perfect his praise
Until you come and sit awhile with me..... (what a beautiful picture in words)
Lately I feel like I'm looking up at Heaven more often, watching and holding out my hand for God to raise me up .....completely surrendered.
When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary;
When troubles come and my heart burdened be;
Then, I am still and wait here in the silence,
Until you come and sit awhile with me.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up... To more than I can be.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up... To more than I can be.
There is no life - no life without its hunger;
Each restless heart beats so imperfectly;
But when you come and I am filled with wonder,
Sometimes, I think I glimpse eternity.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up... To more than I can be.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up... To more than I can be.
You raise me up... To more than I can be.
So beautiful, so sweet and innocent...brings a whole new meaning to ...from the mouth of babes he will perfect his praise
Until you come and sit awhile with me..... (what a beautiful picture in words)
Lately I feel like I'm looking up at Heaven more often, watching and holding out my hand for God to raise me up .....completely surrendered.
When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary;
When troubles come and my heart burdened be;
Then, I am still and wait here in the silence,
Until you come and sit awhile with me.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up... To more than I can be.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up... To more than I can be.
There is no life - no life without its hunger;
Each restless heart beats so imperfectly;
But when you come and I am filled with wonder,
Sometimes, I think I glimpse eternity.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up... To more than I can be.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up... To more than I can be.
You raise me up... To more than I can be.
6 years old and UNBELIEVEABLE
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Confessions of someone under the influence... of a toddler....
Ok, so I have to confess, we are currently at the stand-off point of Brandon understanding what NO means, and now he has decided to turn that word right back on Mommy. He has such a huge vocabulary, and it's great to hear him use so many words, but this one word makes me stop in my tracks. I'll tell him it's time to get off the computer...No mommy.... I'll tell him he better stop doing something....No mommy .... I'll tell him to pick up and clean up his little area of toys where he plays.... once again...No mommy. So, my sweet little innocent child who used to just smile, coo, make everyone laugh, has now decided to take on mom. So, I'm standing my ground...and with 4 kids, sometimes that's a lot of ground to cover. I guess there's one thing that my mom always put such an incredible amount of effort into... letting her yes be yes and her no's be no's ... this is biblical. I want to instill in my children the respect for words. Isn't this what God wants so badly to do with me? Make me listen and understand, and not question him, but simply let his yes be yes and his no be no ... and still praise him, never question him, simply know that his Love is what gives me these answers, it's always for my best. I guess I need to appologize to God for waking him stand his ground so many times in my life, and not just taking him at his word. THANK YOU LORD FOR YOUR FORGIVENESS =)
yes be yes and no be no
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Boys, boys, and more boys
It's hilarious how many looks I get when we're all together as a family... some people just stare at our troop of boys, others at times seem to give me this "I'm so sorry look..." like somehow I've been deprived by having all boys. Truth is, I LOVE MY BOYS! I enjoy being the lone girl in the house (though at times I think they FORGET I'm a girl)... I enjoy the queen status with no princess to pass the throne on =) I've always related pretty well to boys, but don't get me wrong, I LOVE LITTLE GIRLS too... I have beautiful nieces that have stolen my heart, and there are so many little to teen girls at our church that I definitely get my fair share of girly conversation and love. I think I'd be a little nervous if I did have a little girl, because this house can get pretty rough at times ;) I just thank God that our boys are healthy, happy, and sometimes maybe wound a little too tight, but it's to be expected when you're raising ALL boys! Thank you to my sister for sharing her girls with me, and thank you to all my friends who have little girls and always make sure I get to a least love on the little pink princesses =) God knew what he was doing giving me all boys.... proving once again HE has an amazing sense of humor!
Blue vs. Pink
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Growing up quick
Little Brandon isn't so little =) He had to go to the Dr. Monday, and he weighs 37 1/2 pounds now, and the boy definitely got his daddy's height.. (thank goodness!!) It just seems crazy how quick your babies grow sometimes. I look at Jonathan, now 14 and remember the day I met him and he was a little guy about to turn 3, with Justin right behind him a few months about to turn 2. So tiny, but it doesn't seem like 12 years ago. Throw in Darian and Gavin, having Darian turn 10 this year, and Gavin's going to be 9 in October.... I still remember the way they were when they were infants and think of how quickly the years have went by. Then I look at Brandon, who came into this world almost 2-1/2 years ago (the 26th of Sept. he'll be 2-1/2) and it really seems like just yesterday that he was a baby, almost as if that time has gone by in the blink of an eye. I know they say that as you get older you understand how quickly life really does pass by, and yet when your 20 you think life lasts forever... I'm not sure who's learning more.. them as they grow up, or me as I grow older =) Hold them tight, and sometimes when you're tired of them saying mommy hold me, remember that soon they won't want you to hold them anymore. Gosh I really sound like my
Lessons in life
Monday, September 15, 2008
Daily Bible verse
I get a new daily Bible verse everyday when I sign on to my computer. It's through and I really enjoy reading a new verse everyday and I like seeing the word everytime I get on the computer. I guess I try to use this as one little way of helping to "hide his word in my heart" as the Bible talks about. Today's verse really made me think...
If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.
Philippians 2:1-4
Since walking in the Spirit is also known as walking in Love, this verse really applies hard-core... I have been given so much IN Christ, HIS LOVE, FELLOWSHIP WITH THE SPIRIT, TENDERNESS, COMPASSION, ONE IN SPIRIT AND PURPOSE all free to me because He loves me, then I have the part to play at the end.. do nothing out of selfish ambition or van conceit, be humble and consider OTHERS (not just some or the ones you really like, or ...I mean this fits EVERYONE we come into contact with) consider them better than myself, stop looking at my own interests and instead look to the interests of others. This really describes walking in Love and made me look at how I am towards everyone in my life. Some apologies are due, some adjustments have been made, and I pray to do better every day =)
If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.
Philippians 2:1-4
Since walking in the Spirit is also known as walking in Love, this verse really applies hard-core... I have been given so much IN Christ, HIS LOVE, FELLOWSHIP WITH THE SPIRIT, TENDERNESS, COMPASSION, ONE IN SPIRIT AND PURPOSE all free to me because He loves me, then I have the part to play at the end.. do nothing out of selfish ambition or van conceit, be humble and consider OTHERS (not just some or the ones you really like, or ...I mean this fits EVERYONE we come into contact with) consider them better than myself, stop looking at my own interests and instead look to the interests of others. This really describes walking in Love and made me look at how I am towards everyone in my life. Some apologies are due, some adjustments have been made, and I pray to do better every day =)
Working on myslef
Sunday, September 14, 2008
I looked up what the dictionary term for surrender is.
surrender: to completely give up
I can remember growin up singing I surrender all
I see how many things I've given to God, but not COMPLETELY given to God.
There is a huge difference.
Thank you God for showing me that difference .... even if it hurts.
surrender: to completely give up
I can remember growin up singing I surrender all
I see how many things I've given to God, but not COMPLETELY given to God.
There is a huge difference.
Thank you God for showing me that difference .... even if it hurts.
Friday, September 12, 2008
So tonight seemed like any ordinary night, until I really started thinking about how many people were here. Hide and seek was going on, toddler terror was following those playing hide and seek, and teenage romance (INNOCENT was also in the house. There was Me, Sheldon, my brother Jeremy, Jonathan & Allie, Darian & Brashae (his "girlfriend"...oh how I love 5th grade ;), Gavin, Brandon, Tessa and Logan (my brothers kids). So all together (not including the terrified there were 11 people calling our house "home" for a while this evening. This all hit me as Sheldon and Jeremy and I were all sipping down a nice warm cup of coffee after we had fed everyone. I laughed and looked at them and said.... did you think this day would come so soon? The day when WE'RE the OLD PEOPLE sitting drinking coffee as all the kids run around? Talk about FLASHBACKS of the days when we were the terrorists...I mean kids... Anyway, it was a blessed evening (even if it is STILL raining outside). It once again reminded me that life is really but a vapor, a mist, so tiny and fast.... one minute you're playing hide and seek, the next minute you're helping your 2 year old son and 3 year old neice find a "good" hiding spot, even though you know as soon as they hear whoever counting say "50" they will then yell at the top of their lungs "don't look behind the kitchen chair where I am" or "don't find me in the living room"...LOL. Thank you God for that wonderful feeling of home like I remember from growing up and momma being here. Thank you that it is not a physical house that makes this happen, it is the atmosphere of your love that makes ANY house become home =)

Home sweet home =)
I think this song says all that I feel right now...
Whatever you're doing inside of feels like chaos, but now I can see
You're up to something bigger than me... larger than life...something heavenly
So show me what it is you want from me... I give everything...I surrender
Whatever you're doing inside of feels like chaos, but now I can see
You're up to something bigger than me... larger than life...something heavenly
So show me what it is you want from me... I give everything...I surrender
Something bigger than me
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Lord, I believe that you are big enough to speak directly to me. The eyes and ears of my heart are wide open. You know our needs, you know our everyday comings and goings, you know everything, including the beginning from the end. So instead of writing about everything that seems so wrong right now, I'm just going to lift my heart to you in praise for all of the blessings you give us each day. You tell me not to worry about tomorrow, for today has enough worries of it's own. I know you are in control and that if we walk in your path, though what we see seems insurmountable, you Lord see as a speck of dust. OH TO BE ABLE TO SEE THROUGH YOUR EYES sometimes, but then I guess I wouldn't have to have faith and patience and trust in you like I do today.
This song is one of my favorites from a long time ago...
Lord, you hear me calling, I know all things are in your time....
This song is one of my favorites from a long time ago...
Lord, you hear me calling, I know all things are in your time....
When I call on Jesus
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
In Christ
So I have these days where I have to admit I struggle to remember who I AM in Christ. The bills pile up, with 3 kids in school there's always something coming home asking for money, Jonathan is now in high school, so we have our first official homecoming in a couple of weeks for him (HOW EXCITING!! Miss Allie will look like the princess she is =) But then I start thinking about all of this money that has to come from somewhere, and I start to get over-whelmed. With Sheldon being off of work for 7 months instead of 3 to 4 weeks from one surgery, 2 surgerys later we've watched God do miracles for us in the financial area to always make sure we had what we needed exactly when we needed it. So you would think this would not even be an issue for me right? I've watched God move mountains for 7 months on our behalf and always keeping us safe where we are, and blessed with so much more than what money can buy... yet today I decided to focus on the HOW IN THE WORLD IS THIS GOING TO WORK? Then, as a stay at home mommy, the devil can really get you going when he starts whispering... you make no financial contribution to this family... you need to get a real job and put your kid in daycare like everybody else. ( and actually I've even had members of my own family tell me this before.... to the point of saying that as being a stay at home mommy I was wasting what I had to offer... such Anyway, I start to feel crummy about myself, seem to start having a pity party, and speaking outloud that I am no contributor to my family, and pretty much therefore worthless. (MAN SATAN CAN HAVE HIS WAY WITH YOUR MIND WHEN YOU GIVE HIM ONE INCH) So now I write tonight after my hubby has made his complete evening a show of tender love and has reminded me of God's faithfulness and how much He loves us, and how often we've seen him come through for us when we saw no way... he made a way. And watching my kids, when I say good night to everyone, get an I love you, and a kiss (ok, Jonathan avoids the kiss, but I definitely get the nightly I love you... he is 14 And I just keep thinking about how if I had focused on truly who I am in Christ, the devil would not have played with me today. He wouldn't have had even a foothold except I gave it to him. So here's to a valuable lesson on remembering who we are IN CHRIST and staying focused on that instead of the physical things I see... afterall faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things UNSEEN...

MySpace Graphics & MySpace Layouts
Oh, and the feeling like I don't contribute part, I KNOW as a stay at home mommy that I am instilling in my children a love for Jesus, respect for others and THEMSELVES, they know if there is ever anything they need at anytime, they can come and get me.... I know I'm contributing to something much more valuable than what I could ever contribute at a business. There are seasons in life, and as they get older, I know I'll be able to look back and say I was there.... and my momma often told me of the guilt she felt for being at home through me & my older brother (they divorced right after my Senior graduation) and the times she felt that she let my little sisters and brother down because she couldn't be there for them like she was for us. My Aunt Roberta told me the same thing about when she went to work thinking that somehow the extra income outweighed her childrens need for her... they both shed tears with this confession of guilt and I really think God tells us things through some people that mean the world to us to save us from the same mistakes that they made. When Brandon starts school I really want to get involved with working with the school, maybe doing teachers aide stuff, or working with the special needs children, I don't know, maybe God will have a different idea, but for each season of my life, I know he will be there.... I only have to focus on who I AM THROUGH HIM and trust that HE loves me and will never forsake would think this would be easy by now!!

MySpace Graphics & MySpace Layouts
Oh, and the feeling like I don't contribute part, I KNOW as a stay at home mommy that I am instilling in my children a love for Jesus, respect for others and THEMSELVES, they know if there is ever anything they need at anytime, they can come and get me.... I know I'm contributing to something much more valuable than what I could ever contribute at a business. There are seasons in life, and as they get older, I know I'll be able to look back and say I was there.... and my momma often told me of the guilt she felt for being at home through me & my older brother (they divorced right after my Senior graduation) and the times she felt that she let my little sisters and brother down because she couldn't be there for them like she was for us. My Aunt Roberta told me the same thing about when she went to work thinking that somehow the extra income outweighed her childrens need for her... they both shed tears with this confession of guilt and I really think God tells us things through some people that mean the world to us to save us from the same mistakes that they made. When Brandon starts school I really want to get involved with working with the school, maybe doing teachers aide stuff, or working with the special needs children, I don't know, maybe God will have a different idea, but for each season of my life, I know he will be there.... I only have to focus on who I AM THROUGH HIM and trust that HE loves me and will never forsake would think this would be easy by now!!
walking through this crazy world
Monday, September 8, 2008
New babies
So my friend Annie is getting close to having her first baby. The baby shower that we had at the church sent me on a roller coaster of emotions. I can remember my momma coming to the baby shower for me at our church. It was only a little over a month or so before she died. I can remember playing the games, my sisters and Susie did the organizing, and it was wonderful. The crazy thing I remember the most was probably about 20 minutes or so before we were finished, I was eating my cake and my tummy just started feeling horrible. As we left the church, I can still remember momma getting in the car with me as we came home and I told her that I just wasn't feeling well in my tummy. So, about 10 minutes after we got home, the horrible vomiting started, followed by Sheldon starting the exact horrible problem about 15 minutes after I did. Just about a week before that, both Darian & Gavin and my mom all had the stomach flu too, Sheldon and I were SOOO excited that we had made it through all the clean-up and nastiness of when your kids are sick and seriously thought we made it without catching whatever bug it was...oh how wrong we were!! It was sweet, my sister Leslie stayed all night to help take care of mom & Darian and Gavin (just keeping an eye on momma, and an eye on the kids..she even put them to bed). It was like a 24 hour kick your butt flu, the kind where if you drink ANYTHING, within 10 minutes 3 times as much would come right back out. Talk about one of the worst stomach pains... almost 9 months pregnant, so your tummy's already got some pain, then add puking for 24 straight hours. Sheldon and I passed each other in the hall going from bedroom to bathroom. I guess the crazy part of this whole thing is now I look back on that day, and I don't really remember how bad the puking was as much as I remember just seeing my momma's face, spending the day with her, and the concerned look she gave me when I told her I wasn't feeling well. I miss that look so much. I miss our conversations so much. I miss having her wealth of motherly advice to learn from. Mostly I guess, I just miss everything about her.
I just found out that my sweet neice is going to have a baby. We were together Saturday here at my house when she took the test. She's not married, she does have a wonderful boyfriend, she's just about to turn 19... such a bittersweet moment... she wasn't planning this, yet she's ready to take on the challenge of becoming a mommy. I'm so proud of her for never once even considering that her life as she knows it now is more important than the life inside of her. I held her as she cried tears of shock, tears of happiness, tears of uncertainty, and I'm sure maybe even some tears of regret. As I held her she whispered..." I sure wish Grammy was here "

and all I thought was THAT MAKES TWO OF US!! Somehow my momma had the magic ability to take any and every situation, no matter how confusing it was at the time, and tell us that everything will work out and just plain make you feel loved and feel better. Gosh momma, I miss you more than words can say... we all do. But I know Heaven is more wonderful than I could ever imagine and that you are healthy, whole, complete, and happy exactly where you are with Jesus and Daddy, and your Daddy too now. It brings back a song that you used to sing to me a long long time ago. An OLDIE, but wonderful song called "How far is Heaven"... the part I remember the most is the chorus:
How far is Heaven
when can I go?
To see my Daddy
he's there I know.
How far is Heaven
can I go tonight?
I want my Daddy
to hold me tight.
It used to think that song was just for me =) Missing my Daddy... now I'm missing both of you. I guess losing dad and losing you keeps me looking to Heaven a whole lot more than I would if you were both still here. And without having an earthly father, or mother, you really HOLD ON TIGHT to your Heavenly Father!
I just found out that my sweet neice is going to have a baby. We were together Saturday here at my house when she took the test. She's not married, she does have a wonderful boyfriend, she's just about to turn 19... such a bittersweet moment... she wasn't planning this, yet she's ready to take on the challenge of becoming a mommy. I'm so proud of her for never once even considering that her life as she knows it now is more important than the life inside of her. I held her as she cried tears of shock, tears of happiness, tears of uncertainty, and I'm sure maybe even some tears of regret. As I held her she whispered..." I sure wish Grammy was here "

and all I thought was THAT MAKES TWO OF US!! Somehow my momma had the magic ability to take any and every situation, no matter how confusing it was at the time, and tell us that everything will work out and just plain make you feel loved and feel better. Gosh momma, I miss you more than words can say... we all do. But I know Heaven is more wonderful than I could ever imagine and that you are healthy, whole, complete, and happy exactly where you are with Jesus and Daddy, and your Daddy too now. It brings back a song that you used to sing to me a long long time ago. An OLDIE, but wonderful song called "How far is Heaven"... the part I remember the most is the chorus:
How far is Heaven
when can I go?
To see my Daddy
he's there I know.
How far is Heaven
can I go tonight?
I want my Daddy
to hold me tight.
It used to think that song was just for me =) Missing my Daddy... now I'm missing both of you. I guess losing dad and losing you keeps me looking to Heaven a whole lot more than I would if you were both still here. And without having an earthly father, or mother, you really HOLD ON TIGHT to your Heavenly Father!
Just remembering
Just praising...
I realized recently how much better my attitude, mood, and overall behavior ;) is when I really just keep the good music playing all day long. I love so many different types of Christian music... some beautiful praise and worship songs, some crankin hard-core Skillet, TFK, Day of Fire.... some country songs that have messages of faith mixed in them... And I was thinking today about the verse that says The Lord inhabits our praise. It kinda made everything make a lot more sense... of course I have more peace, a better attitude, over-all better mood, and don't get half as cranked off... the Lord is there inhabiting my praise. So, I'm starting a new habit today, when I feel the urge to really tear into my boys (which granted, sometimes when they JUST WON'T listen, or have done something physically harmful or destructive, they deserve it) but now when I get that urge over the silly little things that later you start to feel guilty for (am I the only one this happens to?! I'm just going to start singing. I have a feeling this is really going to annoy our 8 year =)
One of my current favorite songs =)...hope you like it... gives me an energetic type of other words, gets me off my BUTT!!
This makes me think of the verse about entertaining angels unaware... how cool is that to really think about????? God is so creative and awesome and sometimes we are so unaware =)
One of my current favorite songs =)...hope you like it... gives me an energetic type of other words, gets me off my BUTT!!
This makes me think of the verse about entertaining angels unaware... how cool is that to really think about????? God is so creative and awesome and sometimes we are so unaware =)
He inhabits our praise =)
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Sometimes we realize....
I truly believe that there are so many times I miss noticing the blessings of God in our lives. Somethings just go by un-noticed as I get through another day, sometimes I get so caught up in the every day things that need to be done that I can truly go days without thanking God for the health that my children have, until they get sick; or not thanking him for the supernatural protection that I walk in as his child until something bad happens to someone I know, and after that as I tuck my kids in at night, I remember to truly thank God for keeping the monkey's that I've been blessed with =) safe every day as they continue to amaze me in the craziness they can find themselves involved it, and the potential harm that can happen to a sweet 2 year old as he tries to do those things his bigger brothers do (which usually involves jumping off of something, or climbing high up on something, just the normal boy stuff that can break arms, legs, and I guess a huge reminder that I have right now is my favorite Aunt in the world (my mom's twin sister). She hasn't been healthy for a while now, and I notice some of mom's old habits creeping into my Aunt Pauline's life. So tonight, I sent her an email. (I saw her for about 10 minutes yesterday, and loved on her & hugged and kissed on her) This email just simply told her how much she means to me, how much her smile makes my heart light up and how she's a unique piece of my life that has molded me and helped me become the person I am today. Gently the Lord reminded me after sending that email that I need to do this more with people in my life. My children, my husband, my Pastor, my friends... my sisters and brothers....I could go on and on. It was as if he whispered to my heart, yeah Angie, you're finally getting it... this is the most important job I gave you on earth to tell those how much they mean to you, how much you love them, and in return they will see the love of Jesus being poured out through me straight to them. Really, Jesus said that the one thing that covers everything he came to do was to Love one another as we would want to be loved. I want to be cherished, I want to know that I mattered in peoples lives, I want to know that somebody at some time in the day is thinking about this heart that the Lord has given me to love beyond my capacity as a human. To be forgiving, non-judgemental, always loving, always hoping, always holding on to the Word of the Lord as the one thing in my life that gives me a ROCK to hold on to in this ever changing world we live in. I'm sorry sometimes Lord that I take good days for granted, I'm sorry that it takes until the end of the day for me to thank you instead of thanking you all day long. And Lord, I thank you for the wonderful Christian artists that can write a song that moves my heart to love you more and thank you more and songs that remind me that my life is in your hands and there is no safer place to be.
As this Superchick song says:
We live, we love, we forgive and never give up
Cuz the days we are given are gifts from above
And today we remember to live and to love
We live, we love, we forgive and never give up
Cuz the days we are given are gifts from above
And today we remember to live and to love
Lord my hearts prayer is to truly live and to truly love and by doing that I want to show the unconditional love that you have put in my heart to all those I come into contact with .... especially my family and friends.
As this Superchick song says:
We live, we love, we forgive and never give up
Cuz the days we are given are gifts from above
And today we remember to live and to love
We live, we love, we forgive and never give up
Cuz the days we are given are gifts from above
And today we remember to live and to love
Lord my hearts prayer is to truly live and to truly love and by doing that I want to show the unconditional love that you have put in my heart to all those I come into contact with .... especially my family and friends.
we forgive and never give up,
We live,
we love
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Each of us are individuals...
It's funny to think of how creative God is. NONE of US are alike...we may have similarities and similar likes or dislikes, but we are completely unique. This never ceases to amaze me around our house...6 people in 1 house, 5 guys to 1 girl, (even the kitten is male, so technically 6 guys, no wait, my little brother is here for now, so make that 7!!!!!) Anyway, it doesn't matter, because every guy is different, every girl is different...everyone is different. I'm glad that God uses our differences to help us learn how to treat "different" people in a way that makes them feel wanted, loved, respected, and needed. It's great if you really listen to the Holy Spirit, he will guide you to say to each individual just what they need to hear from God through us, his own personal messengers. I've always been a people watcher, learn their habits, quirks, likes, dislikes, fears, questions, but most of all just the story of their life. It's amazing how many people will befriend you if you will only take the time to listen and care. That's why I like little kids so much...if you just take the time to listen, give them your undivided attention, EVEN IF YOU HAVE NO CLUE WHAT THEY ARE SAYING, they are just plain happy to have your eyes and ears exclusively attentive to them. But really, are we any different as adults? So many relationships fall apart because we quit listening, quit paying attention, or just quit caring. To truly love someone is to truly listen and learn them and show them that you care, no matter what age they are, no matter what gender they are, no matter if they are Christian or non-Christian, God put us here to love one another. I'm glad to have the practice on so many different characters in my own house =)
Gavin (guy #1)

Darian (guy #2)

Brandon (guy #3)

Jonathan (guy #4)

Daddy (guy #5)

Jay (guy #6)

Oreo (guy

Mommy ~ the lone ranger (and for those noticing this is when I was still blonde, I have to admit, I have to take some pics of my newest color =) I'm usually the one behind the camera taking the

The point to make with all those photos, is once again...we look nothing alike, act nothing alike, and are nothing alike...but with the Holy Spirit, we can be united as one with our spouse, and connected to our children in a spiritual way that the Lord can make as an eternal bond and another guide on how to love them as the individuals they are...created by God to do go works that he planned for them in advance.
Gavin (guy #1)
Darian (guy #2)
Brandon (guy #3)
Jonathan (guy #4)
Daddy (guy #5)

Jay (guy #6)

Oreo (guy
Mommy ~ the lone ranger (and for those noticing this is when I was still blonde, I have to admit, I have to take some pics of my newest color =) I'm usually the one behind the camera taking the

The point to make with all those photos, is once again...we look nothing alike, act nothing alike, and are nothing alike...but with the Holy Spirit, we can be united as one with our spouse, and connected to our children in a spiritual way that the Lord can make as an eternal bond and another guide on how to love them as the individuals they are...created by God to do go works that he planned for them in advance.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Computer fun....
So today Brandon was doing his thing on the computer...he's usually just playing his games (which he's up to playing games for ages 4-6, so being not even 2-1/2, I must say I'm proud) but lately he's been getting a little off course. Going into programs that have nothing to do with his games (going into kodak to look at pics, going into limewire and itunes, just pretty much getting into all kinds of files). So this afternoon he says "mommy, it won't work" and I take 5 steps from the kitchen into where the computer is, only to see one tiny little blue line kinda down at the right bottom of the first thought, this is not So I proceed with the typical things you do to try and "unfreeze" a computer, because obviously he had done something that he had never done before. After every attempt to figure out how to close out whatever he might have done, and having NO success, I thought, when all else fails, turn it off & reboot =)
Mr. Brandon at the computer with Oreo...

After the reboot, there was a nice message that popped up saying, windows cannot be found, then something about system32 being either unfound or corrupted. Nice huh?! It wouldn't let me do anything except get this message over and over. After a WHILE of trying to reinstall windows xp, with once again NO success...I had given up. Sheldon even called Pat & he walked him through some things to try, but we kept getting a message about no hard drive was found. (MY HEART SANK...ALL I THOUGHT WAS THOSE ARE SOOOOO EXPENSIVE!) So, I gave up, went up and spent some time with the rascals before they went to bed, and decided after tucking them (and into bed, that I would give it one more shot. I kept praying, Lord you promise to give us success in all we lay our hands to, and was praying that He would guide me in what to do because we didn't have the money to fix it right now, and so and and so on. I was pretty much pleading the blood of Jesus over our computer.. not sure if that's doctrinal, or just warped, but I was praying for success as His child, even over a stupid computer =) As you can tell since I'm posting this blog, success was achieved. I really did nothing different than I had been doing previously, it just worked and I was able to repair the windows file with our instillation CD, even though it didn't work before!
This reminded me of a story my Grandpa (who went to Heaven this year) used to tell. It was about his ducks...he had ducks he was raising, and they all got out and he couldn't find them. His momma (my great grandma) told him to pray that God would help him find his ducks, and told him that God cared so much about him that he even cared about his ducks. Grandpa's Dad went to see a friend of his, and his friend was telling him about a group of ducks that had showed up at his farm and that he was going to shoot them and eat the great-grandpa said, well no you're not, them ducks belong to my son. Grandpa said that from that day on as a little boy of about 7 years old, he knew God loved him and that he watched over him. Them ducks of his got him saved =) And he was a Sunday school teacher for over 50 years at the same church in Joliet until his alzheimers took over. But Grandpa never forgot his ducks!
Mr. Brandon at the computer with Oreo...
After the reboot, there was a nice message that popped up saying, windows cannot be found, then something about system32 being either unfound or corrupted. Nice huh?! It wouldn't let me do anything except get this message over and over. After a WHILE of trying to reinstall windows xp, with once again NO success...I had given up. Sheldon even called Pat & he walked him through some things to try, but we kept getting a message about no hard drive was found. (MY HEART SANK...ALL I THOUGHT WAS THOSE ARE SOOOOO EXPENSIVE!) So, I gave up, went up and spent some time with the rascals before they went to bed, and decided after tucking them (and into bed, that I would give it one more shot. I kept praying, Lord you promise to give us success in all we lay our hands to, and was praying that He would guide me in what to do because we didn't have the money to fix it right now, and so and and so on. I was pretty much pleading the blood of Jesus over our computer.. not sure if that's doctrinal, or just warped, but I was praying for success as His child, even over a stupid computer =) As you can tell since I'm posting this blog, success was achieved. I really did nothing different than I had been doing previously, it just worked and I was able to repair the windows file with our instillation CD, even though it didn't work before!
This reminded me of a story my Grandpa (who went to Heaven this year) used to tell. It was about his ducks...he had ducks he was raising, and they all got out and he couldn't find them. His momma (my great grandma) told him to pray that God would help him find his ducks, and told him that God cared so much about him that he even cared about his ducks. Grandpa's Dad went to see a friend of his, and his friend was telling him about a group of ducks that had showed up at his farm and that he was going to shoot them and eat the great-grandpa said, well no you're not, them ducks belong to my son. Grandpa said that from that day on as a little boy of about 7 years old, he knew God loved him and that he watched over him. Them ducks of his got him saved =) And he was a Sunday school teacher for over 50 years at the same church in Joliet until his alzheimers took over. But Grandpa never forgot his ducks!

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