Thursday, September 11, 2008


Lord, I believe that you are big enough to speak directly to me. The eyes and ears of my heart are wide open. You know our needs, you know our everyday comings and goings, you know everything, including the beginning from the end. So instead of writing about everything that seems so wrong right now, I'm just going to lift my heart to you in praise for all of the blessings you give us each day. You tell me not to worry about tomorrow, for today has enough worries of it's own. I know you are in control and that if we walk in your path, though what we see seems insurmountable, you Lord see as a speck of dust. OH TO BE ABLE TO SEE THROUGH YOUR EYES sometimes, but then I guess I wouldn't have to have faith and patience and trust in you like I do today.

This song is one of my favorites from a long time ago...

Lord, you hear me calling, I know all things are in your time....

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