I noticed (well...heard VERY LOUDLY) that Brandon was listening to Jeremy Camp's song "Take my Life" on youtube quite a bit today. Tonight at bed time he was laying there singing over and over "take my life, take my mind, take my soul, take my will, I am yours and I give it all to you". I love to hear these words being lifted to Heaven from the lips of a small little boy who is telling God to take it all.... it reminds me to give my all to the Lord and follow his will no matter what... I give it ALL TO YOU!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Short and simple today
I had a very aggrevating day today. Honestly I had to muster up everything in me to not seriously snap on a nurse... once again God shows us that we can handle more than we think we can if we give it to Him. The funny thing is that earlier during the day I was reading the Word of Faith magazine that we get, and it was talking about taming the tongue...
James 3:2-5 (New Living Translation)
2. We all make many mistakes, but those who control their tongues can also control themselves in every other way.
3. We can make a large horse turn around and go wherever we want by means of a small bit in its mouth.
4. And a tiny rudder makes a huge ship turn wherever the pilot wants it to go, even though the winds are strong.
5. So also, the tongue is a small thing, but WHAT ENORMOUS DAMAGE IT CAN DO. A tiny spark can set a great forest on fire.
I think I need to park on these verses for a while to really understand the significance of my tongue (my words)...
James 3:2-5 (New Living Translation)
2. We all make many mistakes, but those who control their tongues can also control themselves in every other way.
3. We can make a large horse turn around and go wherever we want by means of a small bit in its mouth.
4. And a tiny rudder makes a huge ship turn wherever the pilot wants it to go, even though the winds are strong.
5. So also, the tongue is a small thing, but WHAT ENORMOUS DAMAGE IT CAN DO. A tiny spark can set a great forest on fire.
I think I need to park on these verses for a while to really understand the significance of my tongue (my words)...
Sunday, October 26, 2008
37 years ago...
37 years ago today I wasn't even born yet... It would be another 16 days until I entered this world. On October 22, 1971 it was my brothers first birthday. Randy turned one, and I was just a few short weeks away from being born. My momma was married to the love of her life, and I'm sure it seemed like a normal fall day. This day however, was the day my daddy died. It's seems weird that this day takes its emotional toll on me every year, and I wasn't even around when it actually happened. To me, this shows the ultimate bond between father and daughter, I've always loved my daddy even though I never laid eyes on him. He had picked out my name (Angela Christine... meaning Angela - Angel or messenger from God; and Christine which also means Christian or follower of Christ) hoping I was a girl. They never even picked out a boys name, my daddy was convinced I was his little girl. Now with my mom gone, these dates mean even more to me... Daddy's birthday which was Sept. 10th, the day he died, October 26.... Momma's birthday, June 12th, the day she died, April 4th.... God has shown me how to celebrate these days now instead of mourn these days. One day my children will look at my birthday and the day I go to Heaven, and I want them to celebrate who I was and what I instilled in their lives, not just the fact that I'm gone... just like my momma and daddy, I want to celebrate their lives, not focusing so much on their deaths. It's a hard lesson to learn, and there are days I FAIL MISERABLY and just want them back... then there are days where I truly focus on their love for me and know it's still right here in my heart (something that can never be taken away) and how wonderfully happy they are together in Heaven. It awakens my heart to remember the power of the Cross, the power of the sacrifice that Jesus made for me, the power of the cleansing blood that was shed so I too can know that Heaven is my eternal home and nothing can take that away from me! And one day I will be able to once again hug my momma and for the first time ever hug my daddy. How GREAT IS GOD???!!!!!
There will be a day
Thursday, October 23, 2008
HIS will, not mine
I've been dealing with some struggles lately that have to do with obeying God and trusting him enough to make a lot of changes. For us stay at home mom's ... a somewhat STRUCTURE is always set and in place as you deal with their normal things over and over, but when you feel like God is shaking you up a bit, kinda sending you into unfamiliar territory spiritually speaking things tend to show you where your weak spots in your faith are. I trust God unconditionally and whole-heartedly so we're taking these few steps out into the water knowing that God himself is there with his stretched out hand with promise after promise of how he will take care of us, protect us, guide us, but most of all LOVE US! Times are changing =)
Times they are a changin
Monday, October 20, 2008
I feel like I've been struggling to make sure I'm in God's will on my priorities. Though, when I step back and look at things, it's soooo clear that I'm in his will, that I wonder why I feel like I go back and forth on it...it really seems so simple. Then I notice that it's really not me that has a problem, it's the "normal world" that sees me refusing to just hand my kids over for everyone except me to take care of them. I remember what it was like to come home and my mom be there. I remember what it was like to see my 2 younger sisters and little brother not have that guiding force. I don't want my kids to become "statistics" like all the other kids who get home and nobody's there for like 2-1/2 to 3 hours... not to mention the thought of putting Brandon into daycare. And for me to make decent enough money to even make "getting ahead" do-able, I would have to go to Bloomington.. gas prices, gone until when????, and when is the quality time I would have with my husband and my children??!! Knowing when Brandon starts school I can get more involved in things outside of the home. It used to be so natural for momma's to teach their kids and then send them to school when they were ready .... now most people seem to think you're crazy if you stay at home and REALLY try to get them ready to change the world!!!
Pumpkin Fun =)
Sunday me & the smaller boys went to the Pumpkin Farm (oh... It's actually called Jones farm I think..out by Graymont). Anyway, it was lots of fun, went with the Sapp Family (who we adore) and it was Brandon's first real understanding of what fall, pumpkins, and the fun and crazy upcoming Halloween. We had a blast, the kids loved playing with Nevan, Skyler, Kayla, the rest of the family (even Brandi's mom and her step-dad went). We always have fun when we're together. Brandi keeps me laughing, Daniel keeps Brandi aggrevated to the point of at one time they were wrestling over a switch Daniel had so Brandi could beat him with it!!! =) Like I said, LOTS OF FUN! And fall is my absolute favorite time of the year.. so it was a HUGE blessing (thank you to someone special who even made it possible!!!!!!.... I love you dearly)
Brandon and the goat he fed =)

Saturday, October 18, 2008
Ventured out today...
So I ventured out today (trying my best not to cough on people...I'm not contagious, but it sure gets annoying.. and I guess they don't KNOW I'm not contagious...lol) After spending from 9:00 a.m. to almost 1:00 p.m. sorting through summer clothes for ALL the boys and getting out the cold weather clothes with my WONDERFUL SWEET LOVING HELPFUL husband (here's to you once again baby) I went to the Varsity Football game to watch Cody Followell play (#85). I had promised him that I would come watch, and I FINALLY made it!! I got some pretty good Cody action plays on camera, and some photos too. It's amazing to see someone you've watched grow from about age 9 to 16 suddenly (ok to me suddently, obviously years FLY by me!!) become this wonderful young man who is so so so polite and sweet and generous and kind, and an awesome football player. It was also nice to get a little mommy time while Sheldon took care of the boys, and get out for a little while =) I had the joy of running into my sweet sweet friend Kayla who is in our youth group, and spending some quality time with her too!!! We had needed to catch up anyway, and this was SOOOO PERFECT.. We walked back to my house, I let her drive me around some and then we went to Daves together, and then to her house where I went in and chatted with her momma, and got a huge huge hug from Daniel (I swear, his muscles just keep getting bigger and bigger.... way to go Daniel!!!) Anyway, I had a blessed day, even got a sense of huge accomplishment from finishing all the hours of clothes swapping that we did, and got to spend time watching one of our most handsome and sweetest teens do what he loves to do, and spend some awesome quality time with one of our teen girls who I ADORE and then the hubby grilled out some amazing pork chops and Jonathan cooked the corn & Mac and cheese inside, so I didn't have to cook =) How much more special can one day be...LOL =)
Cody waiting for his chance...
So close...ended up out of bounds =(
AMAZING Blocking power =)
AMAZING CATCH...sorry it's not in better focus =(
Miss Kayla =)
So close...ended up out of bounds =(
AMAZING Blocking power =)
AMAZING CATCH...sorry it's not in better focus =(
Friday, October 17, 2008
Yippee, the signs of the cold is coming =)
So I absolutely LOVE fall, and love the cold (ok, not cold, but really really cool) weather! I love big sweat-shirts, cuddling under blankets, all the leaves changing.. oh, and the cooler weather definitely helps with the HOT FLASHES...LOL (that's for you Sheldon!!.. who puts up with my body's crazy behavior!!) Anyway, another sign of fall is harvest, which keeps the hubby out later, but I'm trying my best to be a good sport! =) We just really miss him when Daddy's not here more often!! =) To top it off, with Harvest, comes some serious allergy days for Gavin and it seems like half the house is somehow affected by this crazy allergy stuff.. YUCK! Then, mommy here goes and gets a serious sinus infection..(followed by anti-biotics, prednisone, and a nasal spray for 10 days). Hence, I haven't blogged for almost a week because I usually stay up late and do this, and my butt was in bed everynight at 8:30! So here's to fall... my ABSOLUTELY FAVORITE TIME OF THE YEAR, and here's to all the wonderful memories about to be made with Hallalujiah night, and Thanksgiving and these blessed times with family and friends that really makes life worth all the punches =)
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Chaotic calmness....lol
So this morning before 9:00 a.m Sheldon had already been to the store, made almost 40 pounds of Spaghetti for the Fellowship dinner, and had a game plan for the rest of the day. Gavin's birthday was Wednesday, so we had his party from 2-4 which actually ended up being from 12:00 until almost 8:30 that we had company. We also ended up throwing over 20 burgers on the grill for those that were left still visiting at supper time. It really was wonderful =) I LOVE getting together with my family. My older brother Randy I absolutely ADORE, I MISS my 2 sisters so stinkin much that when we do get together, I cherish every second that we have. My little brother had to leave, but having him living here has been really wonderful for me =) I don't tell them enough how much I love them!! I know I tell them A LOT, but it just never seems like enough! Especially after days like today when we're all together... there is NOTHING like having a close family!! I had a friend tell me today that he wished his family could get together and actually enjoy it like we do. That touched my heart, because it's obvious to other people just how much we care about each other. Momma would be proud ;) looking down from Heaven!!
Oh, Gav said he had a GREAT birthday party, so success on that part of the day, the spaghetti is ready for our Fellowship dinner, so success #2, and the best part is we all spent the day together!!! Thank you HONEY (Sheldon) for all that you do, without you I would be lost, our house would be trashed, and I would probably misplace one or more of our children...lol =) You truly amaze me with your organization, your ability to keep chaos almost calm, and you smile the whole time! I LOVE YOU BABY!!!!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Another lesson
So tonight Darian & Gavin went to the football game with a friend of ours (whom we trust completely with our kids) and near the end of the game, our friend called saying he couldn't find Gavin. He had Darian, and his son, and they were all 3 told to stay together, but no one knew where Gavin was. He tells me he'll call me right back, I heard him talking to Jonathan telling him and Allie to look for Gavin and to call him if they found him. When he called me back, I asked him if there were any kids playing a football game behind the bleachers. He said that's where he was walking too, and amazingly that's where he found the "missing" child. So, since he didn't listen, I told our friend to just meet me at the gate and I would pick him up right then, as punishment. (though the game was ALMOST over..which by the way PONTIAC totally kicked Prairie Central's butt...lol) Fast forward to tucking Gavin into bed after getting his butt chewed by our friend, and his butt chewed the entire way home (I bet he was really happy we only live 3 blocks from the high school..lol). As I'm tucking my little boy in who turned 9 two days ago and has a birthday party tomorrow with family I tried explaining to him the true nature of his disobedience. I told him about people who want to hurt little boys just because they're little boys, and that we watch him for his protection and safety. I explained that we don't want anything to happen to him, we love him, and that we only want what's best for him. Kissing him goodnight, the Lord spoke to my heart and reminded me that this is the same reason he has boundaries for us. Being honest, being obedient, trusting that He knows what's best for us and listening no matter what. Momma was a little convicted ;) Rules aren't to keep us from having fun, they're to keep us safe, and that especially goes for the way God feels about us.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Tiny fingers, tiny toes
Some friends of ours just adopted a little girl Ayla who was born Sept. 29th to a mother who chose life for her baby. Not only did she choose life for her baby, she has given the greatest gift to an awesome couple (Matt & Mickey)
who SOO deserve the chance to be parents and feel this new love unlike any other you've ever felt in your life. They struggled with invitro for many years and suffered the heartache of many miscarriages. They made it the farthest carrying their triplets, and I can only imagine the heartbreak of holding 3 tiny little ones and kissing them goodbye before you even get to say hello.
God bless this young mother who gave this baby a BEAUTIFUL life with two loving parents, and God bless Matt and Mickey for all that they have been through, and for the wonderful gift of life they have been given. Little Miss Ayla Grace, you are truly a blessing from above =)
Ayla Grace
Daddy Matt
Mommy Mickey
Thank you Lord for those scared mothers whose hearts listen to your pleading for the life of their child. Thank you for their sacrifice, as I could not imagine giving up my child. Thank you Lord for forgiving me for taking my fertility for granted. For those of us who have never had to struggle to get pregnant, may we always remember the cry of the barren womb... for those babies who are aborted, you are my mission in life, the fire the Lord has placed in my heart, the calling I can remember since I was a very young girl... I know my prayers will be answered someday and somehow the Lord will use me to protect you.

who SOO deserve the chance to be parents and feel this new love unlike any other you've ever felt in your life. They struggled with invitro for many years and suffered the heartache of many miscarriages. They made it the farthest carrying their triplets, and I can only imagine the heartbreak of holding 3 tiny little ones and kissing them goodbye before you even get to say hello.

God bless this young mother who gave this baby a BEAUTIFUL life with two loving parents, and God bless Matt and Mickey for all that they have been through, and for the wonderful gift of life they have been given. Little Miss Ayla Grace, you are truly a blessing from above =)

Thank you Lord for those scared mothers whose hearts listen to your pleading for the life of their child. Thank you for their sacrifice, as I could not imagine giving up my child. Thank you Lord for forgiving me for taking my fertility for granted. For those of us who have never had to struggle to get pregnant, may we always remember the cry of the barren womb... for those babies who are aborted, you are my mission in life, the fire the Lord has placed in my heart, the calling I can remember since I was a very young girl... I know my prayers will be answered someday and somehow the Lord will use me to protect you.
Baby blessings
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
To my friend Laura =)
I found this video, and this song reminds me so much of you... your blog from the other day talking about being free... we are all free to be loved by the Most High. Thanks for always reminding me about how special we all are to God and encouraging me! This one's for you girl!
Happy Birthday Gavin =)
So Gavin turned 9 today =) He took cupcakes and mondo's to his class & even one to his teacher from last year (and they butted heads quite a bit, so I was surprised when he told me he took her one...lol) So here I sit realizing one of my babies is 9 and that just seems crazy to me! I know this is the natural progression when you have a kid...they do grow up, but it's weird at the same time when you look at them and in a flash can remember the first time you saw their little face when they came into the world. So now that I've had my "moment" (as Sheldon likes to call them) I'll just say here's to my Gavin Jeremiah... I love you buddy and am so proud of who you are becoming as you grow in age and in the Lord each and every day =) I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!


F-r-e-e that spells free =)
ALL of my kids (ok, and me too) know that crazy catch song for the free credit report... about f-r-e-e that spells free, credit report dot com baby (there's a couple different versions to these commercials with the same catchy tune ...lol)
ANYWAY, the point of all this is, I found this video on God-tube (ok, BRANDON found the video on God-tube...lol)
ANYWAY, the point of all this is, I found this video on God-tube (ok, BRANDON found the video on God-tube...lol)
Salvation for you and me
Monday, October 6, 2008
Perfect Monday
So Sheldon ended up being off today (LONG STORY), but it was wonderful to actually have the day with me, him and Brandon while the older boys were at school. Brandon loooooved having his daddy all to himself and running some errands together with us. Topped off of course with the "daddy & Brandon nap" which always makes Brandon smile!!! I got some serious house cleaning done while they were napping, though in my heart I too was upstairs snuggled with them...lol. I'm not going to worry that he missed a day of pay, I'm giving that to God, because I don't want to ruin the amazing day we had together by replacing it with worry about anything at all!!!! Sometimes just simple time together is the one thing that I wouldn't trade for all the money in the world!!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Church today
So church today was pretty unusual (which I loooovvvee it when Pastor Kim follows the leadings of the Holy Spirit even if that means everything will be "different"). We truly always seem so blessed when a service is like the one we had today. I have to admit that a momma can't hold back her tears when her 10 year old asks if she'll go forward for prayer with him... to see tears in his eyes, and then to have the man you love, the one man that you know would lay his own life down to save mine or our childrens, and watch him serving in the ministry like we had so many times thought to be a dream that we would "someday" see come true, and as it does before your very own eyes, your heart truly skips a beat. I kinda think it's neat that just last night I wrote about "MY KNIGHT" yet today I feel more in love with him than I ever thought possible. God is so good =) I find it wonderful that at our church, you can share your WORST and you can share your VICTORIES, but no matter what, you're loved unconditionally!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
My knight .....
I don't think I ever give Sheldon enough credit for how wonderful he is.... I have the husband most women only dream about having. He's considerate, sweet, romantic (and that's hard with 4 kids!!..lol), generous to me, gentle with me, always loving, always forgiving. We may have our moments of slight disagreement sometimes, but it never lasts long. We truly do not fight, one of us is always sure to apologize when we do have a disagreement...me if I've been stubborn, him if he's been stubborn, it truly is amazing to see how God does take you from being 2 seperate people, and blend you to become one amazing team with a bond that can't be broken. So here's to my hubby, who puts up with more from me than most people know, holds me tight when I need it, makes me laugh even when I don't feel like it, and guides our family to walk in the blessings and the will of God. I never knew 12 years ago that he would become this man that I truly believe is my knight in shining armor =)

Here's to the hubby
Friday, October 3, 2008
Tender Mercy
You know those times in your life where you're really struggling ... and along comes someone who shows you such tender mercy that you cherish those memories forever? It can sometimes be just a hug at the right time and a whispered I love you, or an act of kindness that is simple, yet came from the heart of God straight to you through someone. It can be those words of encouragement that great friends come through with just about the time you're convinced you're a sinking ship going down...and quick...lol. Anyway, I love the way God puts things in people's hearts and if we're obedient to do what His Holy Spirit is prompting us to do, we bless others with a touch from God. I pray that I am obedient, I pray that I always remember when I received (and continue to receive) those tender mercies, and exactly how special it always makes me feel, so that it makes me want to be so sensitive to the Holy Spirits leading and be a blessing to someone as if God himself is reaching down and hugging them and that they'll see in my heart the love of God and draw them nearer and nearer to Him.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Moving on...
It's hard to move on in life when you're not sure how. After losing my mom, I wasn't sure even how to go through daily life without her here. How do you go from having someone who has been there for EVERYTHING in your life, and you spend time with everyday and talk to, and all of the sudden, they're just gone? God has proven himself SO faithful walking me hand in hand through the journey of losing someone you love and miss every second of every day. I never blamed him, I know she's in a wonderful place where we will be together again someday, I just plain miss her. The last few days it's almost like God has given me a special reminder in my spirit, that if he carried me second by second through the most heart breaking moment in my life, he'll carry me through the "stressful" days with the kids, the tight money, and my own personal struggles of trying to make sure that I am doing His will everyday of my life. I finally feel like emotionally I'm moving on... moving on in His love, my trust for Him, knowing that He's always moving on with me...as he carries me in the palm of His hands.
He is so faithful
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
It's funny when you figure out that you 2-1/2 year old understands soooo much more than you give him credit for sometimes....lol =) There are A LOT of things that I'm learning that Brandon COMPLETELY understands. You can have a straight up conversation with this little guy and he UNDERSTANDS and RESPONDS accordingly. It's hilarious at times (which by the way "That's hilarious" is one his new favorite sayings...that and "that's amazing" would be another favorite. It just astounds me when he walks into the kitchen where I am and uses a complete sentence to tell me something, or ask me something (usuall TELL me something...lol) He is just growing up so stinkin fast, and is so flippin smart that it amazes me. He's already asking me what typing means, like when I'm sending an email, and I told him that I'm typing words...letters that together spell words and make sentences for people to read, so now he's practicing his sentences when he types (which usually ends up somehow being a google search...lol) But he already recognizes so many letters that we're working on teaching him the phonics, though some of the sounds he already corresponds with the letter. I forgot how much fun it is to see the whole world come alive little by little as the small ones learn true communication. It's such a wonder every day. And Brandon has to be the smartest kid I know when I comes to music...it makes me wonder if somehow I have Laura & Jason's kid since they are both so gifted in music...lol He recognizes so many Christian artists, not only by the band, but also lead singers... he knows Third Day and Mac Powell; he knows Jeremy Camp, Toby Mac, Skillet, Day of Fire and the lead singer is Josh Brown, ... I seriously could go on and on... he recognizes songs within the first few notes of a song and can tell you what song it is and who its by.... I find myself at 36 wishing I had my 2 year olds brain...LOL =) Anyway, I know every child is gifted, and it's just neat as a parent to watch your childs gifts develop and see exactly how unique God has made them!
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