Monday, October 6, 2008

Perfect Monday

So Sheldon ended up being off today (LONG STORY), but it was wonderful to actually have the day with me, him and Brandon while the older boys were at school. Brandon loooooved having his daddy all to himself and running some errands together with us. Topped off of course with the "daddy & Brandon nap" which always makes Brandon smile!!! I got some serious house cleaning done while they were napping, though in my heart I too was upstairs snuggled with I'm not going to worry that he missed a day of pay, I'm giving that to God, because I don't want to ruin the amazing day we had together by replacing it with worry about anything at all!!!! Sometimes just simple time together is the one thing that I wouldn't trade for all the money in the world!!

1 comment:

Smileyface said...

Jason was home today too....except he was sickly ;( so i took the kids and hung out with Mom so he could have a quiet house.