Monday, October 20, 2008

Pumpkin Fun =)

Sunday me & the smaller boys went to the Pumpkin Farm (oh... It's actually called Jones farm I think..out by Graymont). Anyway, it was lots of fun, went with the Sapp Family (who we adore) and it was Brandon's first real understanding of what fall, pumpkins, and the fun and crazy upcoming Halloween. We had a blast, the kids loved playing with Nevan, Skyler, Kayla, the rest of the family (even Brandi's mom and her step-dad went). We always have fun when we're together. Brandi keeps me laughing, Daniel keeps Brandi aggrevated to the point of at one time they were wrestling over a switch Daniel had so Brandi could beat him with it!!! =) Like I said, LOTS OF FUN! And fall is my absolute favorite time of the year.. so it was a HUGE blessing (thank you to someone special who even made it possible!!!!!!.... I love you dearly)
Brandon and the goat he fed =)

1 comment:

Smileyface said...

Cute pictures! Did Sheldon talk to you about our idea of getting together AFTER the kids are in bed? Let me know know what you think.