Friday, October 3, 2008

Tender Mercy

You know those times in your life where you're really struggling ... and along comes someone who shows you such tender mercy that you cherish those memories forever? It can sometimes be just a hug at the right time and a whispered I love you, or an act of kindness that is simple, yet came from the heart of God straight to you through someone. It can be those words of encouragement that great friends come through with just about the time you're convinced you're a sinking ship going down...and Anyway, I love the way God puts things in people's hearts and if we're obedient to do what His Holy Spirit is prompting us to do, we bless others with a touch from God. I pray that I am obedient, I pray that I always remember when I received (and continue to receive) those tender mercies, and exactly how special it always makes me feel, so that it makes me want to be so sensitive to the Holy Spirits leading and be a blessing to someone as if God himself is reaching down and hugging them and that they'll see in my heart the love of God and draw them nearer and nearer to Him.

1 comment:

Smileyface said...

yes, yes, and yes.
Praise God that He loves us so much that He provides for every detail of our hearts.