Thursday, October 23, 2008

HIS will, not mine

I've been dealing with some struggles lately that have to do with obeying God and trusting him enough to make a lot of changes. For us stay at home mom's ... a somewhat STRUCTURE is always set and in place as you deal with their normal things over and over, but when you feel like God is shaking you up a bit, kinda sending you into unfamiliar territory spiritually speaking things tend to show you where your weak spots in your faith are. I trust God unconditionally and whole-heartedly so we're taking these few steps out into the water knowing that God himself is there with his stretched out hand with promise after promise of how he will take care of us, protect us, guide us, but most of all LOVE US! Times are changing =)

1 comment:

Smileyface said...

oh how this echos my heart too.
miss you...hugs