Sunday, October 5, 2008

Church today

So church today was pretty unusual (which I loooovvvee it when Pastor Kim follows the leadings of the Holy Spirit even if that means everything will be "different"). We truly always seem so blessed when a service is like the one we had today. I have to admit that a momma can't hold back her tears when her 10 year old asks if she'll go forward for prayer with him... to see tears in his eyes, and then to have the man you love, the one man that you know would lay his own life down to save mine or our childrens, and watch him serving in the ministry like we had so many times thought to be a dream that we would "someday" see come true, and as it does before your very own eyes, your heart truly skips a beat. I kinda think it's neat that just last night I wrote about "MY KNIGHT" yet today I feel more in love with him than I ever thought possible. God is so good =) I find it wonderful that at our church, you can share your WORST and you can share your VICTORIES, but no matter what, you're loved unconditionally!

1 comment:

Smileyface said...

Today was awesome...reminded us of our old church in watseka....we had ALOT of Holy SPirit led sundays, you never knew what was gonna happen...always expectant of amazing things AND powerful things occuring.

And amazing to watch Sheldon today....Jason and I both talked this afternoon what a powerful testimony he has and how God has huge purposes for that man. (and you) it was the awesomest thing today to see him ministering...and i got so teary eyed many times watching how MANY people went forward: that in itself speaks volumes.

Thank you to both of you for helping out with the kids. I appreciate it so much. I try hard not to get frustrated with Gabe but honestly, I think if I could just superglue his butt to the chair at church things would go so much smoother, don't ya think???
We've had some tough weeks of him NOT listening and being very defiant. I'm thinking he and I maybe need some more one on one time...somethings not right. Please pray for me to stay sane and patient this week. I want so much to be a good mama to him but i anymore it seems like all i do is yell and get frustrated.

love ya.....hava good week!