Thursday, October 9, 2008

Tiny fingers, tiny toes

Some friends of ours just adopted a little girl Ayla who was born Sept. 29th to a mother who chose life for her baby. Not only did she choose life for her baby, she has given the greatest gift to an awesome couple (Matt & Mickey)
who SOO deserve the chance to be parents and feel this new love unlike any other you've ever felt in your life. They struggled with invitro for many years and suffered the heartache of many miscarriages. They made it the farthest carrying their triplets, and I can only imagine the heartbreak of holding 3 tiny little ones and kissing them goodbye before you even get to say hello.
God bless this young mother who gave this baby a BEAUTIFUL life with two loving parents, and God bless Matt and Mickey for all that they have been through, and for the wonderful gift of life they have been given. Little Miss Ayla Grace, you are truly a blessing from above =) Ayla Grace

Daddy Matt

Mommy Mickey

Thank you Lord for those scared mothers whose hearts listen to your pleading for the life of their child. Thank you for their sacrifice, as I could not imagine giving up my child. Thank you Lord for forgiving me for taking my fertility for granted. For those of us who have never had to struggle to get pregnant, may we always remember the cry of the barren womb... for those babies who are aborted, you are my mission in life, the fire the Lord has placed in my heart, the calling I can remember since I was a very young girl... I know my prayers will be answered someday and somehow the Lord will use me to protect you.

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