Sunday, October 26, 2008

37 years ago...

37 years ago today I wasn't even born yet... It would be another 16 days until I entered this world. On October 22, 1971 it was my brothers first birthday. Randy turned one, and I was just a few short weeks away from being born. My momma was married to the love of her life, and I'm sure it seemed like a normal fall day. This day however, was the day my daddy died. It's seems weird that this day takes its emotional toll on me every year, and I wasn't even around when it actually happened. To me, this shows the ultimate bond between father and daughter, I've always loved my daddy even though I never laid eyes on him. He had picked out my name (Angela Christine... meaning Angela - Angel or messenger from God; and Christine which also means Christian or follower of Christ) hoping I was a girl. They never even picked out a boys name, my daddy was convinced I was his little girl. Now with my mom gone, these dates mean even more to me... Daddy's birthday which was Sept. 10th, the day he died, October 26.... Momma's birthday, June 12th, the day she died, April 4th.... God has shown me how to celebrate these days now instead of mourn these days. One day my children will look at my birthday and the day I go to Heaven, and I want them to celebrate who I was and what I instilled in their lives, not just the fact that I'm gone... just like my momma and daddy, I want to celebrate their lives, not focusing so much on their deaths. It's a hard lesson to learn, and there are days I FAIL MISERABLY and just want them back... then there are days where I truly focus on their love for me and know it's still right here in my heart (something that can never be taken away) and how wonderfully happy they are together in Heaven. It awakens my heart to remember the power of the Cross, the power of the sacrifice that Jesus made for me, the power of the cleansing blood that was shed so I too can know that Heaven is my eternal home and nothing can take that away from me! And one day I will be able to once again hug my momma and for the first time ever hug my daddy. How GREAT IS GOD???!!!!!

1 comment:

Smileyface said...

Big *HUG* to you sister ;) Love ya.
I have no words other than:
God is big enough to hold you
close enough.